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The Red Sleeve korean drama review
The Red Sleeve
5 people found this review helpful
by ponnu
Jan 2, 2022
17 of 17 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

the drama that made my new year a cry fest...

i started watching this drama just like that and without knowing that this is based on a real story. the initial episodes were fun and i thought its a simple rom-com. oh by! was i wrong. this one made me cry a river.
this one is undoubtedly among one of my all-time favourite dramas.
lee junho and lee seyoung have done an amazing job at both acting and having great chemistry. they both were flawless and so was the rest of the cast. a special shout out for lee deaok hwa. he had such a complex character to play. lee junho's stares deserves a special mention. they are hot as hell.

the only drawback in the story according to me was in the middle when they gave too much importance to the court ladies cult. it kind of looked out of place and the entire ton of the drama changed a bit.

i guess this is the only kdrama sageuk that i have watched which isn't a fusion sageuk or fantasy sageuk. the feel was much more real and intense with this one. this is totally a much watch drama.

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