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My Love from the Star korean drama review
My Love from the Star
17 people found this review helpful
by ripplingseas
Jul 10, 2018
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
To tell the truth to me this drama is one of the mystic cases because of its popularity: it's not the worst I've watched but... The story doesn't have nothing by itself: a ''handsome alien'' and a 'pretty, depressed super star''. They fall in love. Well, if the story is bad, theoretically it's possible to make the show captivating by choosing a great cast, creating nice atmosphere and charming moments to distract from the banality of the plot (an example could be ''I'm not a Robot'', also a trivial plot but with a wonderful Yoo Seung Ho's acting and unexpected, well planned moments and some profoundness beyond such a superficial plot). However, in my opinion, Kim Soo Hyun here doesn't act (I haven't seen him in other dramas, so I don't know if he's capable of it). He simply goes from one place to another with the same insipid expression. That's all. Jun Ji Hyun acts a little bit more. The rest seem incredibly superficial. The atmosphere is poor. So, it's one of the big enigmas to me how is it possible that You Who Came from the Stars could be one of the most popular kdramas and, what the main actors are the best paid in Korea... :O
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