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The School Nurse Files korean drama review
The School Nurse Files
1 people found this review helpful
by samsasha
Dec 14, 2020
6 of 6 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

I loved it

The best way to describe it is like Natsume Yuuchinjou; in all except characters and general plot line. The Premise, themes, and mood are really similar.

I'm surprised by the number of people who didn't like the story. A lot of it is very subtle and you have to guess what happened off screen — not like in a crime shows but like really episodic. It was really crackish in terms of tone, but it was the type of humor where the the show is laughing and finding everything ridiculous to hide how dark and depressing the actual storylines are. This is not a fully shown plot with a tied up ending; I still have plenty of questions and want to know more, but I actually enjoy that. It ends very open ended, but not without gratification. This is a slowburn, pre-relationship too, so expect no kisses or real declarations of love from the mains. People are right in saying it doesn't require brain power in terms of plot but in terms of emotions, omg.

I'm writing this right after seeing it so, I will edit as I reflect more.

It won't let me recommend a non-drama so here!
Natsume Yuuchinjou is an anime, and it doesn't have any hit of romance (just a boy bonding with a demonic cat kinda?) but the tone and topics are really similar!
• MC struggling with seeing spirits and "fighting" them off - less fighting in Natsume
• Depressed that they can't fit in (Natsume evolves happier tho)
• Bigger orgs trying to control things in the background
• Building a group of friends over time
• Dealing with loss, and other complex emotions for yourself and for spirits and people
• Tho the scenery in Natsume that is much more like nature and forrests while this has jellies and neon swords haha
people who didn't know how to process school nurse files might like natsume more

SPOILERS without specifics because for some people will want this warning
Magically forced mass attempted suicide; minor magically forced homophobia to a lesbian couple (tho what was said made me gasp)
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