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Why R U? thai drama review
Why R U?
0 people found this review helpful
by Erin114
Jul 16, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Must watch drama

Without giving enough information to reveal too much of the story, I think this is certainly up to date with the realities of the LGBTQ community and avoids the stereotypes placed on gay couples. As the director and producer said, the focus of this drama isn't that it is a BL drama but that it is a romance drama and it just happens that these characters are gay. The plot thickens constantly throughout the drama and it leaves you desperate to watch the next episode. The majority of these actors are complete beginners and even the majority of the main roles too. Zee (Fighter) not only hasn't been a main role in anything before but actually hasn't started in any dramas or films as any character. He is completely new to dramas and the world of tv and he pulls it off as if he is an expert. His skills and talents in acting really make you believe he has been a professional actor for years and that he has done many BL roles before. Also Saint (Tutor) has more experience both in acting and BL dramas, he is still a relatively new actor and yet he can pull it off just as well too. Both of these actors as well as Jimmy and Tommy who are complete newbies, produce what is honestly one of the best dramas I have watched and the chemistry they manage to produce makes the drama seem as if it is real. I am incredibly impressed with the hard work and dedication these 4, and all the rest of the cast have put into the drama. Also, the crew worked tirelessly to make this perfect and really nailed it. There are issues with subtitles, sound and picture at times and it can be hard to watch, which is why I can't make my 8.5 any higher, but because the story, characters and acting are so fantastically done, I persevered and it really is a must watch drama. If you want an up-to-date, entertaining, creative and generally interesting and fantastic drama whether it be because it is BL or not, then this is definitely one to watch.
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