Compared to Full house Thai, i prefer Full house. Compared to It started with a kiss (Taiwan} I prefer Kiss me Thai.
Why this is preferable: TenTen's character here has higher EQ compared to other versions that although initially he was aloof, he wasn't cold and you catch many glimpses of him smiling because of Thaliw. And it was better scripted in terms of tying back to their history of being childhood friends and his first love. Thaliw's character was written in a way that shows although she is slow, but she isn't an airhead or blindly clingy. So it was more acceptable than other versions although I generally and usually don't like my heroine like this. Then there's the love that was simple and like they say it's not about compatibility or thinking with your head. It's all about the heart. The folded stars really threw me back a decade ago when I folded them for my boyfriend. Sweet reminders. Then there's the romantic settings. The scene under the willow tree with sparkling lights was my favorite. Very picturesque and beautiful.
Why only 8/10: unlike full house there's a lil too much screetime on unimportant charactwrs like NamKang who I didn't care to know. Then later on we have Nana. again wasting precious screetime. Episode 15,16,17,18 were forgettable, wallowing and I dislike ten tem immensely to the point I wanted to walk into my screen and shake some sense into him. Episode 19 was mostly sad. It wasnt until episode 20 when it redeemed itself. So in all about 5episodes that spoiled what could have been much better if they didn't show TenTen uncertain for so long.
Acting was a full marks. Like my review on Full House. Chemistry on Aom Mike always top notch. The character of King was great too and nicely acted. I'll miss seeing Aom and Mike since I watched their 2 dramas back to back. Here's hoping they will start filming season 2 soon.
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