Hello! Welcome to the page of a drama newbie :)
Even though I started watching dramas in my high school days, maybe 15 or 16 years old (I'm 22 now), I've become obsessed with (mostly) Korean dramas just recently. I'm currently only watching K-dramas because I can't seem to get myself interested in other Asian dramas. I don't exactly know why but one reason is that my ears are not used to hearing other foreign languages (especially Thai and Chinese; though I'm kinda used to Japanese because of anime).
Nonetheless, I hope to one day start watching other Asian dramas, and thank the gods I found this site. Through this site, I hope to befriend those with similar and not-too-similar drama taste as I and continue to discover more amazing dramas.
PS. I'm from the Philippines :) (though I don't really watch dramas from my country that much)