I watched "Your Playlist" because of Sanha (Aroha here lol) and I didn't hate it but it wasn't great :/Story: The story is a bit odd to be honest... I can't share too much but the whole thing was just weird ("Big Daddy", the main plot, etc.). It's a bit predictable and has no depth honestly. Now it's only 8 short episodes so I wasn't expecting a masterpiece but the story left a lot to be desired.
Acting/Cast: They're all rookies so it's not spectacular but everybody did a good job! I think my favorite character was the main bully because she made the story more interesting lol.
Music: The music was good. I don't remember any of it but it did fit the show.
Rewatch Value: I wouldn't rewatch this... it wasn't interesting enough to sit through again :/
Overall, it's not the worst but I wouldn't recommend it. The actors couldn't save the story either, it was just weird and the main story was bland. I rated it a 5 because I'm taking into account how short it is and the fact they are rookies. If you're watching this for Sanha or any of the actors go ahead but I'm sure they'll have better projects in the future.
Happy watching!
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Different Than Expected but Not Bad
Lovers of the Red Sky was a drama I was anticipating since I heard about it and I can't say it lived up to the trailers but I still consider it a good drama overall!Story:
- LotRS started off really strong! I loved all the episodes until the middle of the series. My excitement waned as the weeks went by but I still wanted to watch.
-The plot became kinda stagnant mid-series & I think part of it has to do with the majority of the story being told in the 1st episode. I actually liked the fact they did that until I realized there was nothing really left for the viewers to find out... we basically watched them find everything out which got boring, especially when it seemed like the characters should have known more at certain points.
- There's things revealed that the watchers don't know but it's minimal compared to how much we already know.
- The chemistry between KYJ & AHS was low-key wasted because the romantic moments between them were minimal. I wish I could have seen more of them in love and not fighting for their lives/ worrying about other things every second they were together lol. With that said, the last episode made me really happy in regards to them <3
- The acting was good... KYJ overacted a bit, AHS seemed like he wasn't blind at times, GM (3rd prince) was kind of stiff to me (lack of a better word) but overall I commend all of the actors for the work they put in this project and I can't wait to watch them in the future! *I think the writing kind of takes fault here and the show's flaws overall*
P.S. The children actors were AMAZING!!!! <3
Music: The entire OST was beautiful, I think my favorites have to be When Your Tears Wet My Eyes by Ailee and A Long Sleep by M.C. the Max.
Rewatch Value: I don’t rewatch shows but if I did I might go back and watch the main leads moments
Overall, this is a decent drama, I was just expecting more. I think the writing takes the most fault in this drama but the premise and ending make up for the lagging middle to me. I think it's worth trying to see if you'll like it! If you're a fan of either of the main leads I recommend you try it :)
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Park Twins Supremacy !!!
It was an overall enjoyable ride!! The first half was great, I enjoyed the writing and the characters despite the flaws many of them had. The 2nd half was angsty and less exciting than the 1st half for me but there were still good moments. The last episode was very enjoyable!Story- The sports genre is there but it takes a backseat when the personal situations come more to light. LAP also has more of a melo feel in the 2nd half rather than the romcom feel it did in the beginning. I wish some of the plots ended more satisfyingly like Taejun's mom (I felt like she got off easy lol). I also wish the 2nd couple was developed better or slower, they felt a bit rushed. Overall, I think it's an enjoyable & simple story. It has comedy as well so it's a lighter melo. I did get a little tired during episodes 11&12 but the rest of the episodes were great!
Acting/Cast- Everyone was good! Taejun has made it to my best dramaland boyfriend's list as well <3 He is the standard!!! I wish Taeyang and him felt more equally yolked in their relationship but I did love them together. They made me smile so much :) I loved all the team members by the 2nd half!! Some of them needed character development but everyone was lovable by the end and they brought a lot of humor to the show haha
Music- It was good!! The theme song made me smile every week :)
Rewatch- I don't rewatch usually but I would love to watch the Park Twins moments as well as the funny moments again <3
Overall it was a good watch for me. I have a couple complaints but overall I did like it, mainly because of the characters (excluding TJ's parents, they were awful). First half was great, 2nd half just didn't live up to the 1st. You should definitely watch if you love Chae Jong Hyeop as he was AMAZINGGG in here! If you're the least bit interested I don't think it will hurt to try either, the characters are pretty lovable :)
Happy watching!!
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Fun Watch!!
I liked Good Job!! It was fun and I loved seeing the leads together again :)Story: From the beginning you already know not to take this show too seriously. A lot of illogical things happen but I expected it. It's supposed to be an over the top comedy mystery. For that, it was good! Unfortunately, I feel like the last 3 episodes had sloppier writing and were pretty rushed. It was like they were trying to fit so much in the last few episodes which made some of the editing weird and jumpy. I just wish they had spread out some of the plots but I still enjoyed it.
Acting: The acting was good! Like I said above, the show is meant to be over the top and nonsensical if you will so all the acting fit. The chemistry between the leads was good too, just like in Bossam. I can't help but to feel like they could have done more with their chemistry though. Their relationship felt super rushed at the end :( They went from slowwww burn to deeply in love in a matter of minutes I feel like.
Music: I really liked the music :) Savior by Baekho and One More Day by Summer Cake were my favorites
Overall I think it's worth the watch if you're looking for a lighter show to watch. Just know it's meant to be pretty silly lol.
Happy watching!
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Awesome Healing Drama!!!
You Are My Spring is one of my favorite dramas I’ve watched this year! Watching the healing process of the characters was beautiful and overall I really loved it, especially episodes 1-11 : )Plot:
- The healing plot line is amazinggggg, especially Da Jeong’s healing process. We see many different personalities and the backgrounds of many characters. It was also so nice seeing everyone freeing themselves/starting to free themselves from their burdens.
*I also loved the cop's healing*
-The cinematography makes everything better, it’s truly beautifully shot <3
-The one downfall of this drama (not the worst for me but worth mentioning) is the thriller/mystery plotline. After watching the last episode I understand that it was meant to show how someone who didn't have someone to lean on could turn out but I still think it was a bit disconnected, especially on the murderer's part like why did he do it? I’m not sure how big the thriller/mystery was advertised to be, but it certainly isn’t a main focus which affects the role of the Chae Jun/Choi Jung Min (the second leads).
-Episode 12-14 to me also felt like filler somewhat. I think they could have used some of the time to focus on the twins because I'm still a little confused on what happened regarding them. They would have also became more present in the storyline, considering they’re meant to be main roles. Their place just seems somewhat disconnected with the rest of the story and should have moved more evenly through the show. 12-14 also made me lose interest a bit, but I still love the show!
Acting/Cast- The actors were amazing!!! This is my first time watching any of them and this drama did not disappoint!! I really loved Seo Hyun Jin, she embodied her role perfectly :) I’m excited to watch all the actors in the future, especially Seo Hyun Jin, Kim Dong Wook, and Nam Gyu Ri (she was so funny in her role haha). Only slight complaint is the twins (aka Yoon Park) didn’t shine as much as he should have as a main character.
Music- The music is good and fits the series/scenes well! My favorite is “Flying Butterfly” by Kim Min Seok <3
Rewatch Value- I don’t typically rewatch shows but I wouldn’t mind watching the healing parts over again : )
Overall, I did get a little bored in the later half but this drama is truly beautiful. It is definitely a 10/10 healing romance. I rated it a 9 because the twins story is a little confusing to me and they didn't get as much screen time as they should have. I also got bored towards the end. Give this drama a try if you’re looking for a healing romance!! If you’re a fan of any of the actors, I would also recommend You Are My Spring because they were excellent in this! If you’re looking for a super present thriller/mystery plot this drama is not for you though.
Happy Watching! : )
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Not Worth the Watch...
"Jinxed At First" started off great but started going downhill after the 6ish episode. The 2nd half was disappointing and all over the place.Story: The 1st episode is pretty dark but the few episodes after it have romcom feel to it, much like the trailers. Somewhere between episodes 6-8 though, everything changes to a melodramatic mess. Basically secrets come out, people get threatened, and some start going crazy. That basically sums up the plot lol.
Acting/Cast: Nobody's acting was outstanding to me. Many of them were stiff, acting childish, or sulking most of the time. BUT I think the way the characters were written have a part to play in that too. The market people were good though.
Music: The ost "Please Know My Feeling" by Lee Solomon was probably my favorite part of the drama! I always had a rush of serotonin when I heard it hehe. The other osts were good and some had the 2000s kdrama feel to them which may be nice depending on who you are.
Rewatch Value: I don't rewatch in general but this one would be definite NO if I did.
Overall, this show is not worth the watch in my opinion. The beginning is great but it just gets overcomplicated and things start to make no sense. Nothing really stands out as good either (except for the one ost to me). If you're interested in trying it still, I say go in with no expections and don't let the romcom episodes fool you haha.
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A Good Historical Watch :)
Bossam has a unique plot and overall, I like it. It took me about 4 episodes to really get invested but that's not unusual. It usually takes a little bit to get into any story so no worries there. The main thing I didn't appreciate about Bossam is the length. There is a pattern with the story and understandably so because of the villain and the overall plot. However, around episodes 14 ongoing, it kind of becomes repetitive and I just wanted them to nip the whole situation in the bud. I think it could have been an 18 or even 16-episode drama and still convey the same message.Story- It was unique, and I enjoyed it. The plot is lengthy in my opinion, but I think it's common for this genre, so it didn't ruin the whole thing for me. My favorite part was probably the enemies to lovers storyline between Ba Wu and the Princess and how they grow to love each other (It's a slow-burn romance). Also, since I didn't do any research, a lot of the names and battles/wars mentioned went over my head. Some of it does get explained but the politics can get confusing so if you are interested in knowing about the history in depth do some research beforehand :) *I'm not sure if everything is historically correct in the drama but it doesn't hurt to do research if you are interested*
Acting/Cast- The cast was great; I think everyone embodied their character well!! wish they would have cut out some of Cha Dol's crying scenes though. It became a lowkey pain to watch after the first few but he’s a kid, so I tried not to be too bothered by it lol. The main leads did a great job showing their love to each other through their actions and facial expressions which was nice to see :) My favorite characters in this drama have to be Chun Bae and Court Lady Jo, they brought the humor and entertainment for me, and they were undeniably loyal to their loved ones till the end <3
Music- The music was good for the show, just nothing super memorable to me or anything I would listen to on my own time.
Rewatch Value- I really wouldn't watch Bossam again because it was lengthy in terms of plot but it's a good historical show.
Overall, it was a good watch! I will say that the romance aspect of the show can be a little underwhelming depending on who you are. There isn't much skinship, just hugs and the show is reallyyyyy politics heavy. If you're looking for a romance drama, this wouldn't be the first drama I recommend to you but if you're looking for a Historical/Political drama try this one out!
Happy watching!! :)
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Beloved Indeed <3
Where to start, this show was amazing!! I've been waiting for this show since the description was put on MDL and I was not disappointed. This show was beautiful from the characters to the music :)Story: It's great! We see many different stages of the main couple (enemies to lovers in school, dating, post-break up, when they meet again, and rekindled/back together). The writers do a good job telling the story of the 2 main characters which I appreciate. You see that neither of them are bad people, just lonely.
- It's also more on the slow-paced side but it makes the show even more meaningful and beautiful.
- I will say this show gives of lowkey melo vibes rather than rom com. There are many comedic moments but the emotional and tension-filled might be more prevalent to you like it was for me... I still love the show and I laughed and smiled a lot but just a mini heads up hehe
- I wasn’t the biggest fan of the love square but not enough for me to knock it down from a 10/10
Acting/Cast: This is my 1st time watching Kim Da Mi and Choi Woo Shik and they were amazing!! Their chemistry was great and they embodied their characters :) All the other characters were equally great and I loved seeing some actors again like our favorite best friend Park Jin Joo, and Jeon Hye Won. Also, Ung's Parents have to be some of the best Dramaland parents I've seen, they were wonderful.
Music: Absolutely one of my favorite drama osts, it's stellar!!! My favorite is "Maybe If" by BIBI <3
Rewatch Value: I don't rewatch shows because I have a long watchlist lol but if I did "Our Beloved Summer" would be on the list, especially the couple moments :)
Overall, this show was soothing and I loved watching Ung and Yeon Su find their way back to each other. I recommend this show if your a fan of any of the cast, enjoy aesthetically pleasing shows, or looking for a good story & soundtrack! If you're not a fan of slow-paced shows this one might not be for you but I think it's still worth checking out, Happy watching!! :)
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A Story about Pain & Healing
I enjoyed this drama from beginning to end! I was a little skeptical about watching it since I'm not a huge fan of thriller but I'm glad I watched it! More than the mystery, I think it did a great job touching on trauma and healing.Story: Overall I thought it was good! The characters healing from their trauma and past was one of the best parts of the show for me. I thought the pacing of it was good, as well as the majority of the plot. I also loved the suspense building because it kept me wanting more, although the mystery/thriller part did fall a bit flat compared to the buildup. The outcome of it wasn't enough for me to feel different about the show but it's worth mentioning, especially if you came for the thriller.
Acting/Cast: AHHHHH, EVERYONE DID SO GOOD!!! This is my first YJG drama and I'm bound to watch more after this!! I'm also not one to cry during shows either but man the actors (and ost) had tears forming in my eyes constantly. I could feel their pain, happiness, etc.
Music: I lovedddd the ost. The osts+the sad scenes always brought me to tears. All of the music fit the drama and their scenes which I appreciated also.
Rewatch Value: I don't rewatch shows but honestly I could see myself rewatching it in the future for the healing and romance <3
Personally, I think this drama is worth watching! I will say the thriller might be a miss, especially if you really enjoy thrillers but everything else was so good (especially the acting!!!). If you're willing to gamble with the thriller or just come for everything else I think you'll find this series worth it. I'll also say you need to prepare your tissues, this drama will hit you where it hurts repeatedly... (inserts crying emoji)
Happy Watching!!
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Loved the Concept, Kind of Poor Execution
Overall, "The One and Only" was a decent drama. I think the crime portion made a mess of the show in the later half which is unfortunate.Story- It's about 3 terminally ill women moving to a hospice where they get entangled in a murder case and a hitman. I understand why the writer added something else because a drama about people dying is depressing (the show is sad but also has lighter moments. It has a balance of some sort, hard to explain), but the crime took over which I didn't find the greatest. It overtook all of the personal stories of the hospice patients and the bond between the 3 mains. I wish less time would have been spent on the crime and more on the personal stories. The crime case was dragged out and became repetitive so it didn't need the amount of screen time it had. Episodes 9-12 felt like fillers so it slowed the story down as well. Finally, I also thought In Sook and Woo Cheon's moments became repetitive but they were still endearing <3
Acting/Cast- Everyone did a really great job!! The show stopper for me was definitely Ahn Eun Jin, she was amazinggggg!!! I will say I wasn't a fan of Mi Do but I think that didn't have much to do with Joy, more the way the character was written. It's a shame because she had a much deeper story that wasn't really given enough time.
Music- It was good, nothing in particular stood out but it fit the show :)
Rewatch Value- I don't rewatch shows but if I did I wouldn't rewatch this one. It was okay but it's more of a one time watch.
I'm sad the show didn't have good ratings because it wasn't bad at all! I would recommend trying if you're looking for a sad show or love Ahn Eun Jin!
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Waited For This Every Week!
I enjoyed Blue Birthday a lot!!Story- The story starts off as what seems to be a typical time drama plot (someone tries to fix the past but realizes it causes more harm then good. Eventually they learn to accept the present as what it is) but BB is far from that. The plot had twist and turns which was exciting and unexpected and overall was different from anything I've watched. .It's good, especially for a short web drama :)
*There are plot holes but they didn't affect my enjoyment*
Acting/Cast- The acting was ok overall. This is a group of rookie actors I believe so I didn't expect grade A acting from them. They got the story across just fine in my opinion so I'm content. I'm excited to see how much they grow in the future!
Music- It was cool and fit the drama :) the music that played at the end of every episode is stamped in my mind lol
Rewatch Value- I don't rewatch shows but if I did I don't think I would watch this one again. I did really like it but there are other dramas I would pick first.
Overall if you're into time travel dramas and mystery watch this! The acting isn't the best but remember this is a group of rookie actors.
Happy Watching!! :)
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This review may contain spoilers
It was alright (No super major spoilers but might be able to tell the ending)
The show started off interesting and different but ended up bland and repetitive to me. After episode 5 I wasn't interested in watching every week so I waited until episode 9 came out to start watching again and my feelings about the drama did not change. It kind of feels like a waste of time with the ending but maybe that's because I thought a different message was trying to be told. Nevertheless, the actors did a great job portraying their characters, the side couples were great, and the music was good. A couple more points from me...- Nabi and Jae-eon needed more character development, point blank period ESPECIALLY with the ending on PJE's part.
- All the side characters/relationships were more interesting than the main characters/relationship
- Do Hyeok was an unnecessary character
- I guess the show is still realistic because people are really like Nabi and Jae-eon from start to finish whether we like it or not.
- The show was ok, not terrible but not great either
Overall, watch the show if you have patience and don't watch with any expectations for either of the main leads lol
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Loved DAYS For What It Was!!!
I was so excited for DAYS and I ended up really liking it! The message of life & death and love was so beautiful and that was my biggest take away from the drama (apart from the heart-wrenching and beautiful romance :) )Plot: This is where I think most of the criticism of the drama is coming from so I will start off with positives since I liked the drama.
- THE ROMANCE!!!! This is my first SIG / second PBY drama and I was not disappointed at ALL with the chemistry!! The hugs, stares, tears, hand-holding, the kisses, just everything about them was lovely and convincing of their love for each other. This was probably my favorite part of the drama along with the message <3
- The message of life and death and love was absolutely beautiful and meaningful. The writer did such a beautiful job of making the characters fall in love with their life I would say. We see these characters really distressed and down about life but end up finding joy, despite the storms that came their way and to me this message was so powerful and heartfelt. Because I want this to be spoiler free I won't go into more detail but the message is written so well.
- The inclusion of family/friends/peers. Kind of goes in hand with the message of life but the writer also does a great job showing how much people affect our life and how they help fulfill our life. Throughout the drama, you see how much the people DK's life care about her and ultimately bring her comfort and the love she ever so needed during this time.
- The second lead couple's development in the end. The love triangle was tiring at times but I think that's every love triangle. In the end I loved how the second lead couple ends up and develops through the love triangle.
- All of the characters developed pretty well and realistically (I really don't care about a drama being realistic because it's fiction and entertainment but in the case of this show the development makes sense and also gives us room to think about how they will continue to grow past what we saw).
- The cinematography was gorgeous. Every scene was shot perfectly and added to the dramas quality.
- The writer could have dove deeper into the fantasy aspects of the show. Since the show was advertised as a fantasy-romance, I think it would have been helpful if the fantasy was explored more, like the background of Doom. I also think the contract could have been clearer as well. I think many people (including me for a little) were confused on the true basis of the contract but it does become clearer throughout the show.
- The story dragged a bit and was repetitive at times. Somewhere in the middle it does get a little slow and it's because of the writer's repetition. I think the repetition is there to really show the importance of fate in the leads relationship BUT some of that repetition and fluff could have been taken out. If some of the repetition and fluff had been cut out, that time could have been used to further develop the fantasy plot, really show us DK going through her illness, and even take more time to really develop the leads relationship (the stages of hate to love). The leads relationship makes sense and I truly loved it but I do think the writer could have pushed their development more.
- DK's illness kind of became secondary to the story. I would have liked to really see her going through illness since it's a big part of the story. We do see her sick but probably not enough to convince every viewer, especially as her time is running out.
Acting/Cast- BRAVO to the cast!! The acting was superb and super heartfelt. There were moments of comedy to sorrow to joy and all the cast members did a wonderful job portraying all of these emotions and their development. I think the acting being on point was expected because this is a star-studded cast but it was amazing. One thing I do have to say is why didn't they have Kevin/the aunt be a little more believable that they could communicate :/ some of the scenes with Kevin were a bit awkward but he was place in the last episode was good. Also like 1 or 2 of PBY's crying scenes were just a smidge over the top but that just might be me, it didn't take away from the scenes at all for me.
Music- ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF THIS DRAMA!!!! Every, and I mean EVERY song is in my playlist. The ost was THAT good. Such a good job on choosing the artists for DAYS ost, all the songs made me sing along so loud. Every song is definitely imprinted in my mind and will be for a long time. I'm so glad I get to associate such a great ost with a beautiful drama <3
Rewatch Value- There's a good chance I would watch this drama in the future because there was A LOT of symbolism and messages I probably didn't pick up on.
Overall I really enjoyed DAYS. I think if this show was marketed as more of a drama about life, romance, family, friendship, maybe even melodrama, and a little less about fantasy, it would have received much less criticism. I think if you can accept that the writer focused more on her messages and other parts of the drama than the fantasy aspect, you will enjoy this drama. Please, please, please do not watch this drama with expectations of it being like other fantasy romances like Goblin, you will probably ruin your viewing experience. I can say this show is not a typical fantasy romance from what I have watched but it doesn't make the drama less than the ones that are. If anything, I can say it's a rare gem in its genre because of its beautiful story of life/death, family/friends, and love. If you are interested at all about watching this drama, go ahead and watch it!! The worst thing that can happen is you won't like it and there will never be a drama where everyone loves or dislikes it the same. If you ask me, its worth trying to watch!
Happy watching!! :)
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Alright While it Lasted
Summer Strike ended up being a drama I could've lived without watching. It was a decent watch while it lasted though.Story: It's a slower story where the characters are living the best they can, day by day. Yeo Reum leaving Seoul for Angok to finally live for herself was inspiring. We also meet different characters with somewhat different storylines although everyone is connected in some way. Some of the townspeople weren't the best but there was a sense of community between some of them throughout the drama. Bom and Ye Reum's relationship was my favorite.
During episode 9, something awful happens and it changes the feel of the show in my opinion. The same ending could've been achieved without that situation happening. The charm was lost for me and the show became depressing/dreary to watch rather than healing and feel good. The last 20ish minutes of the last episode was satisfying but by then I wasn't really into the show anymore. There were other situations that could've been handled better as well.
Acting/Cast: Everyone's acting was good! I wasn't a fan of certain characters though. FL could've used more character development but I feel like no one in the drama had major development so it makes sense. Character wise, it feels like we're just getting a quick glimpse of the character's growth :)
Music: From what I remember it was decent
Rewatch Value: I wouldn't rewatch this.
Overall, Summer Strike was alright while it lasted. Gradually, I got more fed up with some of the character's actions and how certain situations went down. I wasn't satisfied with the healing part of the drama. Further, if I'm looking for a melo, healing, and/or thriller/suspense drama, I would go for something else. The drama was never meant to be a heavy thriller/suspense drama but it did affect the other themes of the show for me.
Nonetheless, it's better to try it for yourself if you are interested!
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Fun Watch!
I had fun watching this!Story: It's about 3 boys who meet the owner of a bar in Jeju Island. Through the bar, they uncover secrets and help save the it. The story was interesting and I enjoyed watching it for the most part (I got a little bored at times). The main thing with the story is the inconsistencies. There are couple things that don't make sense or don't match what we've seen/been told. But it's a short drama so I understood to an extent.
Acting/Cast: I thought everyone did well! Especially considering most of them had acted in fewer and smaller roles before this.
Music: I loved it, especially the song that played at the end of every episode (Blue Eyes by Ron Tae Hyun & Yoon San <3)
Rewatch Value: I don't rewatch usually but if I did I wouldn't watch this one again because even though I enjoyed it, there was nothing super special about it.
I think this makes for a good summer watch or just a quick whenever watch!
Happy Watching!
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