Since the romance genre is my jam, I primarily rate a series based off of character depth, chemistry and acting ability. Anything that left an emotional impact on me will be rated higher than a hollow series with better production value.
1-4.5: Awful. The show struggled to hold my attention or there were major issues with the plot and writing. 5-5.5: Not the worst, but ultimately not worth the time investment. 6-6.5: Fair. Watchable, but unremarkable. I don't regret finishing it but I'm unlikely to rewatch or recommend. 7-7.5: Average. I liked it. I was entertained and the series has a handful of strengths, but it doesn't stick out to me as being particularly memorable. 8-8.5: Great! Above average and would easily recommend. Anything rated this highly stands out against the rest. 9-9.5: Excellent. Reserved for shows that I consider truly special. 10: The best of the best and very dear to my heart. My passion for the series is high enough to excuse any nitpicks.