“We don’t discriminate”.
The thing I got the most from this movie is the complete lack of education about trans issues we have, honestly globally. The lack of education leads to insensitive comments and questions. The intent might have been just a normal curiocity, some might even think they are being playful or joking, some that it's just teasing, but the effect on the person being asked? Rather negative. “We don’t discriminate”, but we also do not care enough to take a second and reevaluate if the comment we are about to make might be insensitive or worded in the worst way possible.
Do I think it is a tricky situation for people who fall into the “norm”? Sure. Everyone has their own limits, boundaries, expectations. Things they feel comfortable about, and things they hate. There is no guideline “how to treat a transgender person”, because they are all different, just like literally every human being is different. The same question can be viewed as rude to one, and completely fine for another. Still, some comments and questions are objectively a big no-no. Sadly, most people don’t know what they are and don’t care enough to find out.
As for our heroine - Hikari. What a strong character. I am not one with any type of anxiety, especially none that involves social interactions, but the way the movie was shot and structured, I was feeling anxious for her. I was also getting annoyed, angry and frustrated watching her interactions with strangers and how… inconsiderate they were. “I am curious, so I am asking, because I am an egocentric asshole who only thinks about their own needs, and not about other’s feelings” - this is how I viewed the majority of them.
On one had it was great to see her move forward even when she felt hurt. On the other hand I wanted her to just start hell and say a few “rude” words to a couple of people. Easier said than done though. Still, seeing her walk with a smile on her face in that red dress (amazing look if you ask me) was to some extend liberating.
I’m sure there are a lot of hidden meanings and symbolism going on, sadly my brain is not quite wired to catch the hidden meanings and the poetic, less straightforward messages. Someone with a more abstract mind would for sure appreciate the movie even more.
I feel like the review is more me just ranting about society, and less how the movie was. For that I'm sorry...
Do I think it is a tricky situation for people who fall into the “norm”? Sure. Everyone has their own limits, boundaries, expectations. Things they feel comfortable about, and things they hate. There is no guideline “how to treat a transgender person”, because they are all different, just like literally every human being is different. The same question can be viewed as rude to one, and completely fine for another. Still, some comments and questions are objectively a big no-no. Sadly, most people don’t know what they are and don’t care enough to find out.
As for our heroine - Hikari. What a strong character. I am not one with any type of anxiety, especially none that involves social interactions, but the way the movie was shot and structured, I was feeling anxious for her. I was also getting annoyed, angry and frustrated watching her interactions with strangers and how… inconsiderate they were. “I am curious, so I am asking, because I am an egocentric asshole who only thinks about their own needs, and not about other’s feelings” - this is how I viewed the majority of them.
On one had it was great to see her move forward even when she felt hurt. On the other hand I wanted her to just start hell and say a few “rude” words to a couple of people. Easier said than done though. Still, seeing her walk with a smile on her face in that red dress (amazing look if you ask me) was to some extend liberating.
I’m sure there are a lot of hidden meanings and symbolism going on, sadly my brain is not quite wired to catch the hidden meanings and the poetic, less straightforward messages. Someone with a more abstract mind would for sure appreciate the movie even more.
I feel like the review is more me just ranting about society, and less how the movie was. For that I'm sorry...
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