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Love Relationship japanese drama review
Love Relationship
54 people found this review helpful
by fatema
Oct 29, 2015
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I almost killed myself watching this drama but I somehow survived until the end. Here is what to expect: - leads love each other but can't communicate well or follow their heart - an obsessive creepy (slightly crazy) third-wheel doctor (& wannabe rival) - long endless pointless conversations that lead to nothing - you will end up frustrated most of the time (if not disappointed) - you might get depressed (hang in there, if you can) - lots of running! xD - the theme song says it all! and it will gradually leave you feeling empty and sappy inside - the most boring side-characters ever! well, their story is not interesting enough to watch Seriously, the development is slow and combined with the calm atmosphere the director was going for (i think) makes this drama hard to watch. Skip this at all costs. You will not miss anything. If you're looking for an interesting emo-like dramatic complicated (scary yet intriguing) love story, I'd recommend watching Last Friends instead. Waaaaaay better time spent.
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