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Shijukara japanese drama review
18 people found this review helpful
by fatema
Jun 1, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 6
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

please don't slip away

"My heart lying in my hands
I never wanted this
This tear will never mend
How did it come to this"
~ Slip Away by Ruelle ~

• Rape
• Prostitution
• Infidelity
• Abuse: sexual & verbal

She acts younger than her age.
He acts older than his age.
Yet they are stuck in between.

♣ This drama is about 2 individuals who were used\abused and had no choice but to surrender & numb their feelings to survive. Working close to one another, revived their hearts and reopened deep wounds. Despite the difference in age between them, they found solace in each other as they both never lived their age.

♦ Shinobu suffers from oppressions caused by the continuous condescending behavior of her husband. Drawing manga is her outlet of thoughts: what she can't say or do, goes straight into her writing. Her character is mostly timid but with help from Chiaki, she slowly allows herself to be angry, crazy, and happy.

♠ Chiaki has a daring personality and constantly suffers from taking on more than he can handle. He walks around confidently but breaks apart easily. He took responsibility of his single mother at a young age and was subjected to her negligence and immaturity. He grew up too fast and not because he wanted to.

• The raw emotions Itagaki Rihito can deliver is insane! This kid blows me away with the diversity of expressions he can convey. The way he can change the mood of the scene is no joke. I am completely impressed. However, there is one scene where he laughs hysterically/crazily that was a bit not convincing.
• The nerve-wracking sound effects and the instrumental pieces used made me feel like drowning in anxiety & depression. The contrast between complete quietness and sudden music was brilliantly added to each scene.
• As a student of literature, symbolism was so satisfying to analyze. + The level of craziness was something beyond entertaining, I must admit.
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