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Heroine Disqualified japanese movie review
Heroine Disqualified
92 people found this review helpful
by fatema Flower Award1
Oct 31, 2017
Completed 4
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
My advice: don't watch this.

The FL falls for someone who doesn't deserve her. Then she humiliates herself over and over again by confessing her love endlessly. And then when the supposedly ML decides to accept her as a girlfriend, she jumps right into his arms. Sad, very sad and demeaning to women. Loving unconditionally is romantic. What is not, is obsessing over someone who doesn't give a damn. We frown upon rivals who don't give up, even when their affections are unrequited. Then why do the writer expect us to cheer for a heroine that does that and doesn't really value herself as a human. Yes she is disqualified from beginning to end for her stupidity and shallowness.
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