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I struggle with Pilot episodes about 99% of this time, but the first episode of this drama did not disappoint. The cast is stellar and each episode has me wanting more and more. There are also very few dramas in which my mom gets interested in, but she has insisted that we wait for her to watch each new episode and it really has become a family event. I think the topic of the drama is quite interesting with the focus being in this new up and coming start-up world. The acting is superb (especially by our two male leads -hearteyes-), and the music adds such a nice touch to the drama as well. Right now, second lead syndrome is hitting hard, but I guess we can never be too sure how this will play out. Definitely regretting starting the drama when it wasn't fully out yet, but also something wonderful to look forward to each weekend.
These are my thoughts after finishing the drama:
I still loved the drama, but I think it helped that I didn't invest myself in reading up on all the fan / ship wars that apparently broke out because of this drama. To me, this was a drama that provided solid entertainment value during my weekends of relaxation. Both male leads did an amazing job in really getting me to want to root for their happiness. I agree that there were definitely things that could have been given more development, but if every little thing had a reason in this drama, the drama wouldn't have been able to conclude in 16 episodes. To me, this drama had one of the few satisfying endings that I've watched, and I think it tied everything together nicely. By no means is this a drama that's meant to make you think the impossible can happen -- it's very predictable, but most k-dramas are, to be honest. Maybe I'm too simple-minded when it comes to my dramas, but reading other reviews makes me think that ... well, if you think too much about every little detail of this drama, you can easily come to hate it. However, for the beautiful cast and solid acting, it's definitely left me curious and interested in the other dramas of our main leads!
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While I'm a sucker for time skips in dramas ( usually I like that it helps to move the plot forward without having to go through all the filler in between ), this one seemed to make use of it too much without it explaining why or how we got to a certain point. The way certain characters were developed didn't seem consistent with their original characterization. It felt like the drama wanted us to get to a certain point, but it didn't really go about the best means in doing so.
I didn't feel anything for the relationships between the characters, and most scenarios were predictable at best. I do have friends who really liked the drama ( and others who hated it to the point they just dropped it altogether midway ) and it seems like people also feel a wide range of emotions towards it on this site. Wouldn't be a drama that I'd recommend immediately, but perhaps if you really like one of the cast members, you'd be interested in checking it out.
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The headline above is all I can think of when I think of this drama. I finished this in a record two days, and each episode just kept me wanting to know what happened next. Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won both did a magnificent job in their roles, especially the former. I'd never seen any dramas with Lee Joon Gi prior, but boy, it'll be hard to watch anything else with him in it since he was sooooooo good in this role (but also, of course, it makes me want to watch his other works as well).This whole drama took me on a huge emotional and psychological roller coaster. It had me feeling angry, sad, happy ... you name it, I probably felt it during the drama. Without giving anything away, this is just one of those dramas in which you never know what's happening next or what anyone is thinking. As I went to bed last night, the drama scenes were still reeling in my mind.
The other standout cast member in my mind is Jung Seo Yeon who plays the main couple's young daughter. She was so adorable and did such a great job in her role as well. I can't wait to see how her career progresses.
Anyway, WATCH THIS DRAMA. You won't regret it (well, the dark circles under your eyes or puffiness from crying might make you regret...jk)!!! Oh, but do note that because of the dark nature of the drama, there are scenes that can be somewhat gruesome or triggering, but the drama does such a good job of portraying everything nonetheless.
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This review may contain spoilers
I started watching this drama because my mom noted that the two female leads were quite famous (my knowledge of C-Drama actors / actresses is rather limited unless they're people who I've watched in other dramas before). In my opinion, the storyline started off pretty slow and I was honestly ready to drop it after the pilot episode. However, one of the things that we always do is end up hopping around dramas after episode one so decided to try our best to continue on.The drama did progress to get more interesting, and I found the actors to do a great job at portraying their roles. I've really come to love some of the characters even if I found them to be a bit annoying at the start.
[ spoilers below ]
However, there are so many plot holes that I can't understand.
1) Nan Sun - her breakup with Zhang Anren was never fully explicit until you realize she's suddenly with Wang Yong Zheng, which was strange considering how she was portrayed as having really disliked him in the past (and it didn't really seem like it was just because she had a boyfriend though that certainly did contribute to it). However, it was like they were enemies one moment and the next, ready to make out without much development.
2) Suo Suo - her relationship with Xie Hong Zhu also makes no sense. One moment she's professing her love to her ex-boss and the next, she's getting married to the guy who's been chasing her who she's told time after time that she doesn't want to be with him. While I admired Xie Hong Zhu's persistence, I think that if I were in Suo Suo's shoes and really didn't have any interest in him, I'd be thoroughly irritated to have this guy following me around all the time. Maybe these things will get sorted out in the final nine episodes, but for now, it feels almost random that she's rebounding off of him like this.
3) Yuan Yuan - her reappearance in the drama shocked me. I knew she looked familiar but it took me a moment to realize just who she was with her new name and new identity. I'm not sure how much time has passed since we last saw her, but it's surprising to me that she's suddenly recreated herself in what seems like such a short period of time.
4) Ye Jin Yan's obsession with helping Suo Suo - throughout the drama, I quite literally thought that maybe he was her dad or something with how much he cared for her, only to find out that wasn't the case at all. Even the scene where he explains why he's helping her makes the whole idea seem rather ridiculous. Not sure anyone would actually have such a good heart to help this woman that has no relation to him aside from the fact that she shares a birthday with his late daughter.
And then just how the whole story ended ... oof, I felt no resolution as it quite literally ended with Nan Sun listing off everything that happened but it felt like a rushed way of trying to tie everything together when they probably could have cut out a lot of things throughout the drama to properly end it in some way. Love myself a time skip but there was no actual time skip to show for (maybe they didn't have any more money to do so, who knows).
[ spoilers end ]
Overall, I wouldn't recommend this drama to others. There were some heartwarming and funny moments that I enjoyed, but as a whole, it felt lacking in direction and ended up a bit choppy in its flow. Also, time passes A LOT in the drama, but it's hard to gauge just how it passes as it feels like it's just happening over a span of a year at most but actually must be a lot longer.
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I have to admit that the acting is fantastic. As I was watching, I kept wanting to scream at the screen telling Jong Woo to get out of that literal hell hole. Everyone really did such a wonderful job playing characters that I hope are nothing like their real life personas ;)
However, I felt like ten episodes of this was too much and would have been done better as maybe a slightly longer film. Halfway, I was ready to call it quits again because it was not only a bit repetitive but also, such a drama is rather psychologically and emotionally taxing as well. I wonder if this would have been a drama that would have been better watching week after week rather than binging over the course of a few days.
I rated the rewatch value low since these dramas are hard for me to watch again, especially already knowing what happens. I'd say it's probably not a drama for everyone, but if the theme is up your alley, then it'd likely be a good one to check out.
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Short and Sweet
This is the first time I've watched such a short drama (if it could be called one really) since it's about the same running time as a full-length movie. However, with such a cast, I couldn't not watch it. The story is predictable, but gave me the feels through its entirety. I will admit that I watched it on 2x speed (oops) so I'm not too sure if it could have felt a tad slow at a normal pace, but overall, I thought it was well-done and an easy watch. The chemistry between the cast were all wonderful and natural as well!Was this review helpful to you?
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Easy and lighthearted watch
This drama is outright ridiculous with it seemingly throwing all the classic k-drama tropes into one, but it embraces it and makes it work. It's one of those dramas that is perfect after a long day and you just need something silly to unwind with. It helps that the cast are all beautiful and wonderful at their jobs, too. It's a very bingeable drama and I appreciate that they decided to settle on a 12-episode series so that it didn't need to unnecessarily drag on (even if there were times that I wanted to see more)!Was this review helpful to you?
So Sad It's Over!
I went into this drama not really thinking I'd like it as I don't typically lean towards dramas with fantasy elements. However, I couldn't not give it a try with such a star-studded cast. As expected, I really loved watching the performances by both Rain and Kim Bum in their respective characters as well as the chemistry that they showed in their transforming bromance. I also really appreciated the character transformation of Cha Young-Min throughout the drama, which added a touching aspect to the drama. This drama made me laugh and it made me cry all at the same time. I did find that they probably could have cut out a few of the surgeries that came through, but I guess it's still a medical drama at the heart of it. It would have been nice to see some more character development of some of the secondary characters in lieu of more surgeries, but I suppose that's not the path that they wanted to take. Overall, I'm really sad now that it's all come to an end, but I'm glad that I gave it a try!Was this review helpful to you?
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This review may contain spoilers
I went into the drama not realizing there were only 8 episodes, so it was a very quick watch for me. I also like to watch everything on 1.5x speed so it went by super quickly. The acting of the drama was great and the main leads did such a wonderful job. It was action-packed and exciting, but was also able to bring out the tears (and honestly, I don't cry much, if ever!). However, don't go into it thinking too much because, after I finished it, I started thinking and then realized that there were so many things that didn't make sense. If you don't mind blood and want to watch something quick and predictable, then would definitely recommend.Below are my --spoilers-- and the things that I really didn't understand / like about the show:
1) the romance -- okay, I guess almost every k-drama out there has to have a romance line, and while I liked the chemistry between our ML and FL, there was a lot of development that was lacking. considering our FL's backstory, i would assume that she hasn't experienced much romantic love growing up, and so for her to initiate a kiss and then jumping so quickly into sex didn't really make a lot of sense to me. maybe i am overthinking how someone in her situation would react, but i definitely think there were better ways to go about this. also not very happy with the fact that han sohee wasn't even aware of the fact that there was a bed scene before signing on. feel like they added it in to get extra views but it was pretty unnecessary and if determined to be necessary, could have spent a bit more time developing their loveline.
2) the undercover cop storyline -- they spent so much of their time making you hate our FL's father only for us to learn later that this whole time, he was just an undercover gangster. even if FL might have been young when her father went undercover, you would think that she would have been aware of the fact that her dad was a cop. or maybe i just have the timeline wrong? not entirely sure but seems like a lot of things could have been dealt with differently if she had known. i guess then the story wouldn't have come about but it just doesn't really make sense is all.
Anyway, there's probably more but I'll stop for now. I think the drama was short enough that you can get through it without thinking too much about it and still enjoy it but if you're expecting something out of this world and unpredictable, perhaps something else would be better.
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While there are only 26 episodes to the series, there were parts of it that felt a bit dragged out to me. I ended up watching a lot of the drama on 2x speed so managed to finish it rather quickly. It's otherwise easy to watch and the acting is great, so would recommend on those points alone!
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