Also known as Kimi Ni Shika kikoenai, is a unique fantasy love story where you can enjoy the country side scenery of Japan. They used telepathy in communicating each other and eventually meet in person.
It is funny somehow, if things likes this happen in real life, I wish I have one friend so I can perfect my exams like what happend in the movie!
I love the mellow song used, it is soothing. The plot is good makes you want to see more in your seat. It is inspiring on how to overcome insecurities and being alone.
The only thing that I noticed is the lack portrayal of emotions of grief, regrets and shock of the female lead when something tragic happened infront of her. I didn't feel it. But she perfectly acted the lack of confidence in meeting the male lead and infront of the others.
There's a third person involve in the telepathy activity which was concluded the relationships to the two lead at the end.
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