
  • Last Online: Oct 27, 2024
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: Lothlórien
  • Contribution Points: 1,884 LV8
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  • Join Date: November 11, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award7 Flower Award16 Coin Gift Award3




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Dramas I watched in 2024

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

18 titles 2 comments
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Dramas I watched in 2023

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

29 titles 1 love
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Thoughts on all the movies I've watched

I'm not much of a movie watcher, but I've started watching them a little more recently. I was originally going to create a list of movies I…

39 titles 3 loves 2 comments
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Sageuk watch project
24 titles 2 loves
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Dramas I watched in 2022

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

32 titles 1 love
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Movies I watched in 2022

Ordered by when I completed the movie. Movies I dropped are not included.

5 titles
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Movies I watched in 2021

Ordered by when I completed the movie. Movies I dropped are not included.

14 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2021

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

40 titles
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Movies I watched in 2017-2020

Ordered by when I completed the movie, though I'm not sure about the order of the first three. Movies I dropped are not included.

19 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2020

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

17 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2019

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

53 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2018

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

22 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2017

Ordered by when I completed the drama. Dramas I started watching but didn't complete until a later year will appear in that year's list. Dramas…

18 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2016

Ordered by when I completed the drama, though it might not be quite right, because this was a long time ago, and I don't exactly remember. Dramas…

13 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2015

Ordered by when I completed the drama, though it might not be quite right, because this was a long time ago, and I don't exactly remember. Dramas…

15 titles
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Dramas I watched in 2014

Ordered by when I completed the drama, though it might not be quite right, because this was a long time ago, and I don't exactly remember. Dramas…

18 titles
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WandereR's China, Taiwan, Hong Kong challenge
36 titles 2 loves 2 comments