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I'm not really going to bash this show so much, Honestly I could give it a lower rating I get that, but it was an OK show. Story: The story of this centers around a music making company, mainly it being the romance between the producer, and he new rising songwriter. That the basic gist of I'm really can't go into much detail due to trying not to go into spoiler territory. The story I give a 7
Acting/Cast: I have a lot to say about the cast this time around. This was my first Rain drama, which I see now why many people love him. He a great actor, and I want to see him in more dramas after this. Krystal was the main female lead, and I was like OK with her performance. L the last guy I want o over with his performance, I like his character which made his performance great. The acting/cast I give a 9.5.
Music: For music their was really nothing that captured my attention. L song in the show was great though, and that was really great to hear. The music I give an 8.5.
Re Watch/ Overall: For a re watch value, I give it an 2, I will probably never re watch this. An overall value though is a 9, at least see if you can watch this once.
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Story: I will start off this section by saying I have not seen the original drama that this is based off of. This is really your typical rom com story, but I think this was different for me. I honesty really got suck in with it, and with episodes only 30-40 minutes long it easy to binge watch.
Acting/Cast: I was really impressed with Ha Suk Jin in this show, he was really the stand out role for me in this drama, and I really want to see more from him (which gets me really excited because he is mainly supporting roles though). Jeon So Min had her really great moments too. The supporting cast did the job right for a rom com, and I'm happy with the casting choices.
Music:Now I'm usually one who is keen on music on show because I like to listen to OST a lot. I did like one song from this (which I had to search up because I honesty got suck up in the story of this that I needed to listen to one of the song), and that is I Want You Bad. other than that the music was OK.
Rewatch/Overall value: Overall I gave this a 10 because it stuck with me, I did think about a 9.5 but I decided a 10. I will rewatch this some day.
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If anyone is shocked that this is my first non k drama than you'll win the award for not being shocked. I feel like Twain dramas are so much more different than K Dramas that this did took a while to get into but it worth it. Story: For a story, it centers around Murphy's laws (which I know nothing about). Honesty it was not a turn off to start with, it about relationships, and what really goes into it. This is a basic concept, but it goes into so much detail, and with 1 hr 13 min episodes their is filler in there but I liked it. The story I give a 8.
Acting/Cast: I really do not know much about Taiwan actors due to I don't watch these dramas a lot. For starters I'll start with Tang Dawson the main male lead. I liked him as an actor. He mainly known for Chinese dramas, but he has done a few Taiwan dramas. For Li Ivelyn I liked her in this, but her character did get annoying sometimes. The final name I go into is Chien Jolin the second lead. A second lead he played the character well. For acting/cast I give a 9.
Music: So the music for me it grew on me. With these dramas they have a beginning and an ending theme. I start with the opening which is fly with me. It always nice when the opening is really great because it gets you really pumped up for the episode. and the opening itself was cute that is in itself should be watched once. The ending is All I Wanted To Say. this was not as great as Fly With Me, but it was great when it was sung in one of the episodes by one of the actors (not saying who for spoilers reason). The music I give a 10.
Rewatch/Overall: For a rewatch value it a 7, I have a tendency that I'll rewatch this due to it being my first. Overall is an 8.5 with the flaws it deserving of an 8.5.
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Story: This is the third in the Lovers trilogy, which I have not seen the second one (Lovers in Prague) but I've seen Lovers in Paris. I did loved the gangster aspect of this drama (though I admit I'm a fan of the Mafia). This drama is not about just balancing love and being a part of family that apart of the mob and being accepted by that family, it more than that. The story I give a 9.5.
Acting/Cast: I start out with Kim Jung Eun with the cast. It was nice that they got her for the third one in this trilogy as well, she was in the first one Lovers In Paris, and she was great in this as well. Lee Seo Jin was great as Ha Kang Jae. To be the type of role he was given he did his job well done. Jung Chan and Kim Gyu Ri as Sae Yeon and Yu Jin they did they roles perfectly too. The acting I give an 8.
Music: When you hear the instrumental of the OST, and you love it I think that proclaims a statement. the OST for this is not a 10 for me but it got to me when I heard that Instrumental version in it. The music I give a 9.5.
Rewatch/Overall: Overall I give Lovers a 8.5 it is not perfect at all which is why I give it a 8.5. The rewatch value I give a 6, I do not think this will be high on my list to rewatch.
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After thinking about this overnight, and some more thought it time to give my thoughts. Story: AI'm Not one for historical dramas, but I feel this was a great start for me, in historical dramas. It not really all historical but it a very intriguing part of Goblin. The Romance was really great in this, I have one flaw but can't really go into it because of spoilers
Acting/Cast: I'm not going to be doing the acting/cast the way i usually do a person in the cast but I'm going to do the chemistry. Gong Yoo, and Lee Dong Wook, is the first two I want to discuss. They had the perfect bromance in this that made me really love it between the two were really what made the show for me. the other one is Gong Yoo and Kim Go Eun had great chemistry, and they had great chemistry with their romance was really well done. Honorable mention to the second lead chemistry.
Music: The song that stuck out to m the most in this drama was Stay With Me. It fit the show so well, and It lets me have somewhat I call, that it made me love the show more. the other songs were OK, but they did not stick much (which is saying much because music is what I rate hard in dramas).
Rewatch/Overall: Overall this is a 10 for me, I love this show so much that it worth a watch. The re watch value is also a 10, I will rewatch this.
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Story: The story of doctors is central around lives of doctors and the heartaches of of being being a doctor. Though the story felt it didn't really progressed at all which if that a big turn off then this is not going to enjoy this. I will say you mainly watch this for the romance which is like I feel that was the main reason you watch this drama.
Acting/Cast: When I was looking at preview and looking at the comments on the page of this drama I saw that this was a different role for Park Shin Hye with her always playing the innocent type of girl. Hye jung is nothing like that which I think she did well this was my first drama of hers I watched and i love to see more. Kim Rae Woon was great, this was not my first drama of his I sawed him in Punch and he was great in it.
Music: the Music was so perfect No way by Park Yong In & Kwon Soon il is the first song of a k drama I have ever wanted to look up the translated in English (which I never do but it was awesome). The second song It love was OK it was not anything special to me but i liked listening to it.
Overall/ Re Watch value: I definitely re watch this drama in a couple years once I feel it the right time.
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OK, I would like to express that I feel kinda sad that I finished this. I started watching this when i got into K Dramas back in 2014. Story: The main plot of One Warm Word is an affair, and how it affects the lives of people around them, Through this drama you get so many revelations that I did not see coming throughout it that I was like wow. The story I give a 7.5.
Acting/Cast: I am going to start this section off by talking about Ji Jin Hee because I feel I have the most to talk about with him. Ji Jin Hee was where the acting shined for me, He a great actor, and I will atone to that. Kim Jee Soo Played the distress wife really well, Han Hye Jin (which I just found out that she had a role in Doctors which I find really cool) did her role very nicly I kinda wish I could say more but it spoiler territory. Finally Lee Sang Woo He had one the best moments at the end of episode 9 which was one of the best part he did in the drama. The supporting csst was very great too. The Acting/Cast I give a 9.
Music: I rate my music based on how the OST stick with me, and if i would go back abd listen to it. You And Me was really fantastic OST look it up when you can.
Rewatch/overall value: For a rewatch value I give it an 8 I would go back to this proabley years down the road. The overall value is a 7.5 because I feel a 6 is too low for this but a 8 is pushing it, 7.5 the great nice point.
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Story: I feel the story of this drama is what kept me going with it, the only issue that I had with it was that this drama really took it time but with the payoff that it had it was worth the slow burn of the drama and I am really glad that I stick it through the end.
Acting: The main FL of this drama (played by Jang Na Ra) really showed her acting chops and I feel like the acting was really good that I really felt it and the material the actors were given was there.
Music: I can not say much for the music as most tracks were just not memorable and none were really ones that I would go out to listen to again.
Rewatch Value: I do not think I rewatch this with a story like this it would be hard to rewatch it knowing how the story unfolds in the end.
This drama I would say is worth it but it can be hard to recommend to people as this drama is really slow to pick up and it may not hold up to people as the slowness of drama could lose some people in the early episodes.
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Story: When you walk into a story like this it is really thought provoking, that what this story is to me, the main thing you need to get out of this drama I'm not going to tell because it supposed to be in there. Throughout all of that the story I give a 9.5,defintley thought provoking, and it great to give it a try.
Acting/Cast: The cast in this is really great Jo In Sung is someone who I've seen him in That Winter The Wind Blows and I liked his acting in that, Gong Hyo Jin did a fantastic job too (and she been in Jealousy Incarnate). The supporting cast really got into the role and loved them to death. The cast gets a 9.
Music: I have a funny story about one of the songs in this, I was watching a show called American Housewife and one of the songs in this drama came up and I was like wow. overall I'm a sucker for a drama with great music, and this had great music. With this the music gets a 9.
Rewatch/Overall: For a rewatch value I'm giving it a 9, I rewatch this because I think it one that deserve rewatching. Now overall is a 9.5 I debated a 10 but ended up giving it a 9.5.
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I did love this show for what it is, and I felt that this was an great show. Story: Now I'm going to start the story off by saying this is not for everyone, It has (what felt like to me) a lot of the same thing. It not a bad story, but I can't really go into detail due to spoilers. The story I give a 7.
Acting/Cast: I start off with Han Groo due to knowing some of her acting experience. One of her other roles that I know her for is the main female lead in One Warm Word. I think she played the same type of character in this one as in One Warm Word. She did great, and her acting is good. Yeon Woo Jin played his role really well, I have not seen him in any other dramas but I praise him in this one. The other cast did great especially Gi tae morther. The acting/Cast I give an 8.
Music: Out of the music It was all really great. Though I feel their was some songs that I heard that I did not really care about. For that reason I give the music a 9.
Overall/Rewatch: For a rewatch value I give it a 5, I feel me re watching this would probably not happen. For an overall value thought an 8, It a great light comedy, but it not for people I say who just want the romance to be their, it is for people who like a small building romance though.
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Story: First love is always something, it always hurts that first breakup is always the hardest but what if you met again. It always great to see this done right. The story I give an 8.
Acting/Cast. I start off with Sung Joon since He my veteran of the drama. Sung Joon has great acting in every drama I've seen of his. Their is something to his acting that makes his acting so perfect. Eric I have not seen much of him (other than the first episode of Another Ha Young) but he was incredible. The two females lead did well in their roles, Jung Yu Mi I know is in the second I Need Romance (Which this is done by the same scriptwriter) but have not seen anymore out of the two of them. the Acting/Cast I give a 9.
Music: I love the song Come Back To me but other then that it. You have the slow songs that tug the heartstrings which is normal I just like the fast songs. The music I give a 9.
Rewatch/Overall: The rewatch value I give a 6.5 I feel like me rewatching this might happen someday. The Overall value I give a 7.5, very good drama recommend it.
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Story: You can give me a story about gangsters and I will eat it up. I love a story about the crime business and a man trying to take it Down. the story I give a 9.5.
Acting/Cast: Won Bin is our main lead here. I have not really seen anything from him before but he does not do a lot of TV shows he usually more of a movie actor. the other actors did a great job in their respectful roles, Kim Hae Won especially as the villain of the story. the acting/cast I give a 9.
Music: Their is really is not much to talk about the music. Their is music but mainly when your in an action scene you really do not need music, your sitting their emerce in it that every hit memorizes you don't really need music. The music I would give a 7.
Overall/ Re Watch value: the re watch value I give an 8, It is on Netflix so I watch it again when I am ready to. The overall value is a 9.5 I enjoyed this very much definitely a favorite now.
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This is now going on my faves list. When i first saw the previews it caught my attention, sadly i put it on hold half way through due to other dramas at the time but when i picked it back up I got into it really fast. Story: Now The story I give a 9, To try to avoid spoilers I had some problems with the story at some points but in the end it did wrap up nicely.
Acting/Cast: This would be my 3rd Sung Joon drama I've watched (others being Hyde Jekyll and Me, and High Society) he is now one of my faves. Han Ye Suel was perfect as Hye Rim this was my frist exposure to her and she was really cool. the supporting cast was perfect knowing that this a comedy they could have fun in their roles. The Acting/Cast I would also give a 9.
Music: When I rate music in a k drama I rate it off the impact of the songs sink into me and Swing Magic did just that. Swing Magic was so catchy so virbent feel to it that it felt so right in this show. The music I give a 10.
Rewatch/ Overall Value: I will definitely rewatch this st some point it cute, funny, and has everything out of it in what i look for in my dramas. The overall value though I would give a 9.5 due to some glaring issues but this is one of my faves now.
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OK i'm going to throw a scenario out here for you guys, do you ever have a drama that you felt guilty you have not watched yet that was me watching this. Playful Kiss was really great like I have no reason why i should not have watched this sooner. Story:
The Basic premise around this story without going through into main spoiler territory is main female lead's house gets destroyed and moves into main male lead house. The story does get really better as the drama goes on. The romance did not feel rushed to me which is a really nice thing not to go into this drama worrying. The whole story as a whole i give a 8.5.
I be rally honest this drama acting was great because of Kim Hyun Joong. Kim Hyun Joong was great in Boys Over Flower, and he is one of my favorites that i will watch anything of his. Jung So Min was pretty great as Oh Ha Ni she tried really great. The other cast was fantastic all around. Acting/Cast I give an 8.
OK the ost for this show actually is really fantastic i listened to it before writing this because we all have those moments that we listen to the ost after finishing a drama. The music i will give a 9.
Rewatch value/ Recommend:
Would i rewatch this? Simple Answer yes. I would love to go back to rewatch this because of Kim Hyun Joong because he one of my faves. I would recommend Playful Kiss to people who love Boys Over Flower, and or just starting getting into k dramas. My rewatch Value is an 8.
Overall I give Playful Kiss a 9, I feel like a 10 would be great but there were episodes where I kinda flt a little bored (but that just me).
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