The story revolves around a girl named Mitsuki Kanzaki, who lives with her step-brother Yuya after her mother remarries. One day, Mitsuki is possessed by the self-proclaimed spirit of a young girl, Hiyori Kotobuki. Hiyori (in Mitsuki's body) must fall in love with Yuya to move toward the "Gates of Heaven." Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。
- Also Known As: Recently, My Sister is Unusual , Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okaishiin da ga. ,
- Director: Aoyama Yuki
- Screenwriter & Director: Coen Iggy
- Screenwriter: Minato Takehiko
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Youth, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Hashimoto Tenka Main Role
- Kobayashi Yukichi Main Role
- Mayu Main Role
- Yano MikaKiritani YukinaSupport Role
- Yanagi Anna[Female high school student]Support Role
- Fukushima Tsunaki Guest Role
This review may contain spoilers
2 Hours of decent soft-core porn with bad subtitles. The lesbian action that happens for like 2 scenes is pretty good though despite me not knowing nor caring for what is going on in the plot. there is sort of a plot but it mostly exists just to get to the next 5 minute sex scene. the scenes with people reacting to the main character's action while possessed are decent but because of poor subbing you will probably skip if you're one of the 1% watching for the actual plot past the first 5 minutes. Was this review helpful to you?
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