The film revolves around a group of high school and university students during their school break. Both Pu and Mai are in competition for Nana while class geek Jo is in love with a popular girl C. Meanwhile Oh Lek is wild about Taiwanese pop sensation Didi, and Hern is thinking of cheating on his girlfriend Nuan when he meets Japanese tourist Aoi. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ปิดเทอมใหญ่ หัวใจว้าวุ่น
- Also Known As: Pit Thoem Yai Hua Chai Wa Wun , Restless hearts during school break , School break, hearts aflutter ,
- Screenwriter & Director: Yong Songyos Sugmakanan
- Screenwriter: Aumm Aummaraporn Phandintong, Thongchai Saelor, Nitis Napichayasutin, Nontra Kumwong
- Genres: Romance, Youth
Cast & Credits
- Nack Charlie PotjesPuMain Role
- Ter Chantavit Dhanasevi Main Role
- Aoi SolaAoiMain Role
- Kat Focus Jirakul Main Role
- Tye Chutima TeepanatCMain Role
- Pattie Ungsumalynn SirapatsakmethaNanaMain Role
ACTING/CAST: Well, they did their jobs.
MUSIC: There was some OK music in this.
REWATCH VALUE: Um, if I have insomnia, this could be the cure.
OVERALL: Did I say this was BORING?
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