The film is set in a typical Tokyo High School following the story of a perpetually teenage vampire named Monami who falls for her classmate, Mizushima, who happens to already be the reluctant boyfriend to the vice-principal/science professor's daughter, Keiko. The ensuing love triangle leads Keiko to seek the assistance of her father who, unbeknown to his daughter, moonlights as a Kabuki-clad mad scientist with the school nurse as his assistant. The pair experiment on students in the school basement hoping to discover the secret of reanimating corpses (akin to the work of Victor Frankenstein). Their hopes are answered when they discover a solution of Monami's blood holds the properties to bring life to dead body parts and inanimate objects. The story begins to unfold after Mizushima carelessly accepts a honmei choco spiked with Monami's blood, causing him to become a half vampire. When Keiko discovers their secret, she attacks Monami but accidentally throws herself off the school roof in the process. Her premature death leads to her father using the blood solution to transform her into a vicious Frankenstein's monster. From then on Monami and Keiko battle each other in the pursuit of winning Mizushima's heart, regardless of his feelings towards either of them. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 吸血少女対少女フランケン
- Also Known As: Kyū , ketsu Shō , jo tai Shō , jo Furanken
- Screenwriter: Uchida Shungiku
- Director: Nishimura Yoshihiro
- Genres: Action, Horror, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Otoguro Eri Main Role
- Kawamura Yukie Main Role
- Saitoh TakumiMizushimaSupport Role
- Shiina EihiMonami's motherSupport Role
- Mizui Maki Support Role
- Boo Jiji Unknown
After seeing only about seven minutes, I had to leave. What a bad story! Full of illogical and exaggerated details, treating stupid situations as if they were great. A totally ridiculous movie. If I could I would score zero.