"Kiri no Hata" revolves around the failings of the Japanese judicial system and the efforts of the sister of a falsely indicted defendant to gain representation by a prominent Tokyo defense attorney. The prominent lawyer Ohtsuka Kinya looks over the case of the falsely indicted man who was sentenced to life imprisonment and then committed suicide while incarcerated. One year ago, the prominent lawyer rebuffed the efforts of Yanagida Kiriko to represent her brother. Yanagida Kiriko now works as a hostess in Tokyo while planning revenge on those responsible for her brother's imprisonment. Edit Translation
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- magyar / magyar nyelv
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Cast & Credits
- Ichikawa Danjuro XIII Main Role
- Aibu Saki Main Role
- Musaka Naomasa[Detective]Support Role
- Toda NahoKono MichikoSupport Role
- Tsugawa MasahikoOkumura MasayukiSupport Role
- Nakai KiichiSawakiSupport Role
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