The film revolves around two rebellious high school students and brothers Paul and Dee, and Paul's relationship with Sze, a Vietnamese refugee. Paul and Dee's father is a prison officer who is very strict to his sons. When Officer Chan, who is divorced, decides to marry a younger woman, his two sons become more rebellious, leading them to a path of destruction. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 毀滅號地車
- Also Known As: On the Wrong Track , 毁灭号地车 , Hui Mie Hao Di Che
- Genres: Action, Adventure
Where to Watch On the Wrong Track
Subscription (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Yueh HuaOfficer [Paul and Dee's father]Main Role
- Ng WuiUncle ZhangSupport Role
- Lau Kwok Shing Support Role
- Suen Kwai Hing Support Role
- Prudence LiewShi / SzeSupport Role
"I gave you life. I can beat you to death, but you can't commit suicide."
OMG, what did I just watch?! The first half wasn't too bad & actually reminded me a bit of (American cult classic) The Warriors - these kids did a helluva lot more public damage than The Warriors did too! The second half turned into a rescue-romance-revenge... thing, which didn't really work for me & I ended up laughing at parts that weren't meant to be funny. There is also a really abrupt, kind of shocking, ending which left me a bit nonplussed.Bonus: having a girl in the gang made this film stand out for a good reason - very progressive in the early 80s
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