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IDK why so many people hated the Lee Soo
logically, you would pick the Joon Soo but the drama tells that its not what who you should logically pick its who is inside of your heart. Even though the Joon Soo is caring and sweet you should always listen to your heart not the brain. Woo Yeon even tried to like Joon Soo but failed, you can't force yourself to like someone. Woo Yeon and Lee Soo really deserve each other but the writers should have at least gave Joon Soo his own happy ending that will love him.overall this drama is really good <3
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More Than Friends <3
I loved the cast, especially Ong Seong Woo as Lee Soo (slight bias). The main characters did not only shine in this show, but the supporting actors were also highlighted throughout More Than Friends. They all had their dramatic and heartfelt moments. There were many twists and unexpected turns throughout the show that made it exciting and sometimes made me angered by the decisions of the characters (but that's when you know you are so invested in a show that you get upset with a character's decisions). Although I found the plot was slightly repetitive, it was still very engaging and different from other shows I've watched. I also enjoyed the OST of this show. There are many kdramas out there and are being produced but overall, I love More Than Friends! I would highly recommend it! Hope season 2 comes out soon!Was this review helpful to you?
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Not an outstanding show but it was good in some way and painful in others.
This show was a hard one for me. It took me months to watch it off and on.I think the last 3 episodes just ticked me off to the point that I wanted to shoot Woo Yeon! Who ever wrote her part should be shot! She was really really selfish in the end. She pushed him to go, promised to wait for him, and then started to blame him for going on the trip and leaving her instead of being honest with him. She was the one with the problem because she had thoughts of breaking up from the get go. She had no faith in him or his love for her and did not really believe he loved her to begin with. She made promises she did not keep and made him suffer and take the blame for it all. And if she was having that hard of a time why why WHY do she just not drop everything and fly to him??!! I would have dropped it all to be with him and THEN fulfill my dreams once we were back from the trip! Why does the guy always have to drop it all and run to the girl? So stupid! She turned it all on him and took no blame for her part. Even when he told her how he felt about their breakup over the phone and why he said what he said, she still ended it and blamed him for it all. 🙄🤦🏼♀️😡 Totally not mature at all!
Don’t get me started on the other girl who had been with her boyfriend for 10 yrs and then dumped him. Has anyone ever heard of bearing each others burdens makes it better and helps you grow closer. You have the support you need through those tough times. In the end and I mean IN THE END they all made up and were happy. Typical drama script.🤦🏼♀️
Acting/Cast- I liked all the actors. I have seen many of them in other shows. They did a great job in pulling off their characters. I have no complaints in that area.
Ok so the story was not my favorite at all! Would I rewatch it? Probably not. This show was to painful in the immature department.🙄
Remember this is my thoughts and opinions. At least watch it ounce and get your own opinion. 😉
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The worst drama ever
Semplicemente il peggior drama mai visto. Gli attori protagonisti della storia centrale (il classico triangolo amoroso) sono davvero insopportabili. Banalità e cliché a ripetizione, storia non solo insignificante ma irritante. Il nulla cosmico. È davvero difficile immaginare di poter fare di peggio. Penso sia adatto a un pubblico di dodicenni. Sarei curioso di sapere che riscontro ha avuto nel pubblico coreano. Per fortuna tra poco dovrebbe uscire my liberation note. Quattro fenomenali attori e sceneggiatura di My mister. Non devo aggiungere altro.Was this review helpful to you?
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Una serie che mette sul piatto il "poco" e il "già visto", tirandolo per le lunghe
Occorre armarsi di una buona dose di tolleranza e tanta pazienza prima di iniziare a guardare questa serie. Quando assegno valutazioni alte a drama senza pretese e che sanno di già visto - cliché compresi - lo faccio perchè comunque fatti molto bene e quindi coinvolgenti da guardare. Quelle alte valutazioni acquisiscono senso se paragonate a di serie come "More than friends", che si pongono gli stessi semplici obiettivi ma non raggiungono nemmeno quelli.Tutto già visto, ma gestito anche male. Ci sono solo 16 episodi - davvero tanti, troppi in questo caso - in cui lui, lei (e a volte anche l'altro) si rincorrono a vicenda. Quando a lei piace lui, a lui non piace lei. Quando anche a lui piace lei, a lei forse piace un altro. Quando lei ci ripensa, poi lui va via. Quando lei va oltre, lui torna indietro. E via così...per ben sedici episodi, nessuno - purtroppo - escluso.
Ripeto, mi va bene il già visto, ma con l'aggiunta di nuovi dettagli, qualche elemento caratterizzante e stimolante, non si chiede molto. Invece questa serie si concentra unicamente sull'improbabile triangolo amoroso e le varie rincorse tra di loro.
In virtù di un paio di scene comunque emozionanti, non tolgo la sufficienza. Ma non vado davvero oltre.
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very nice
drama molto carino, mi è piaciuta la storia, romantica al punto giusto , anche se a volte la protagonista mi ha fatto uscire fuori di testa con i suoi comportamenti alla fine incomprensibili e forse, un po' forzati...è un dramma che secondo me, merita di essere guardato.very cute drama, I liked the story, romantic to the right degree, even if sometimes the protagonist drove me crazywith his behavior ultimately incomprehensible and perhaps a little forced..It's a drama that in my opinion deserves to be watched
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La serie gira entorno a Kyung Woo Yeon, una calígrafa, y a Lee Soo, un fotógrafo. Ellos son amigos desde la adolescencia, ¿o más que amigos?
Woo Yeon está enamorada de Lee Soo hace die
z años, pero él parece no sentir lo mismo que ella. Durante los 16 capítulos iremos viendo como estos dos amigos viven un amor siempre a destiempo, lleno de malentendidos y complicaciones.
Decidí ver este drama porque me llamó mucho la atención el póster. La empecé sin grandes expectativas, y dentro de todo me llevé una gran sorpresa. Pensé que iba a ser uno de esos doramas que solo se centran en la pareja principal y en nada más, pero por suerte esta serie le da bastante protagonismo a los personajes secundarios, principalmente a las amigas de la protagonista. Es muy interesante ver las distintas personalidades y problemas que tienen cada una de ellas, y te dan ganas de saber más sobre las chicas. Creo que esto es de lo que más me gustó de la serie.
Pasemos a los protagonistas, que son el eje central:
El personaje de Kyung Woo Yeon me gustó mucho, a veces se me hacía un poco “densa” con todo este amor no correspondido, pero en líneas generales me gustó muchísimo, me parecía súper simpática, y me gustó ver cómo con el avance de la serie fue creciendo y aprendiendo a quererse a sí misma.
El personaje de Lee Soo, me pareció ok. Al principio tenía un poco de conflictos con él porque me parecía un poco egoísta, pero con el correr de los capítulos se redimió un poco. Igualmente, no llegué a enamorarme de él.
Por otro lado tenemos a Ohn Jun Soo, el second lead. Cuando apareció yo estaba living con él, tenía todo lo digno de un Second Lead Syndrom, pero a medida que pasaban los episodios se puso medio denso, no entendía un par de cosas que la prota le decía y eso terminó haciendo que pierda todo mi interés en él.
La pareja principal no me disgustó, pero tampoco me encantó. Es cómo que tenían momentos súper cutes, pero no terminó de “matarme” su historia de amor. Lo que sí destaco de ellos, es que notaba que tenían mucha química.
Está lejos de ser uno de mis doramas favoritos, pero si ya no saben qué ver y tienen ganas de algo bastante entretenido y muy bonito visualmente, denle una oportunidad
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