0 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

This is the slice of life drama that all I ever need

Some may find thus drama boring as it doesn't that much surprises in the plot itself. But it's the characters for me. It may be lacking that oozing mindblowing plot twist but it has all the aspect that I was looking for for a character driven drama.

I couldn't love anyone else. Every characters are unique in their own ways and very much relatable. The first and second couple were so amazing. They were both unique in their own ways. Their relationship was also different from each other as they have different personalities but I think that's what makes it perfect. I admit that I love the second leads more because, I'm sooo in love with Soo Young her character and the love story between her and Tae Oh.

It greatly showed variety of people. Different kinds of people that has different personalities, choices, priorities and decisions that we don't often see in drama but are present in real life. I like how they portrayed Sun Gyeom's mother, she wasn't the typical mom that you will see in dramas. She priorities her career over her family most of the time, but that doesnt make me love her less since her decisions in life were justified. And I love that sweet development that she went through for the sake of her children in the end. I like that their father may be as bad as some other villains, but they showed a bit of his redemption in the end. An attempt to be better for his family.

One of the highlights for me, too, was how Dan-ah acknowledge her mistake of pretending to be gay just to avoid marriage. Which later on, she realized how hard it is really to be one. I like that she didn't look down on Yeong Hwa's bestfriend after knowing that he was gay.

There are so many things about this drama that I love and made my heart melt. But perhaps, it was the end that was the best for me. It was wrap up perfectly and sweetly. It wasn't happy ending indeed. Because it's not the end, but the end of that chapter in their life. Because those sequence of events that flashed shows that their life will continue.

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Feb 5, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

My forever comfort drama

This drama is one of the best drama I ever watched. I'm totally emotionally attached. I love the story, the casts, the characters, the cinematography, the message they shared, and even the behind the scenes. The chemistry between the actors is so great. Every character is unique, and each actor can wonderfully play the role. There's nobody left behind.

At first, I expected nothing, I just wanted to watch something light with not so many conflicts. But yes, this drama's surprisingly great. Till I finished the last episode, I couldn't stop giggling, remembering every scenes, every quotes. Call me weak, but I can't move on from this drama.

Run On will be my forever comfort drama that I will watch it every time I need something warm in my heart.

Thank you for making this drama exist, dear director, scriptwriter, all the crews, actors, and everyone behind it. I love Run On so much.

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Dropped 12/16
0 people found this review helpful
May 25, 2022
12 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

I hate this, but I loved it

I think I'm mostly disappointed with this show because I liked it so much. The main couple was adorable and their development believable with the characterisation they were given. But more than that, I liked them as people. The female lead is headstrong and straightforward, and the male lead's kindness and strong sense of justice made it impossible for the viewer to not sympathise with him. But like, I'm not going to keep watching the garbage queerbaity side plots that took centre stage after the main couple got together. I physically cannot.
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Ongoing 3/16
Lilian Abuku
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 2, 2021
3 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

meh... not really much but its cute

Big props to the careers of the main character. An athlete and a translator never heard of that one in a kdrama

Story line is non existent. Let me word that, if you are into lovey dovey cute shows then watch this, its more chance of you liking it. But if you like something more on the serious side with drama and conflict, this isn't really the one. So it all depends on your liking.
I'm going to keep watching just to see where its heading

Acting is good but I'm conflicted on the main boy. He reminds me of the main character from My Id Is Gangnam beauty. He has only one facial expression unless he is drunk. So I'm not sure if that's how his character is supposed to be. Otherwise looking at him is hilarious cause his face just screams "i dont care"


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david sy
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 24, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


this is my review, Damn it's so good. this drama is by far the best k-drama I have seen this 2021. everything is perfect from cast to plots. everything is so amazing and so beautiful, I must say that this is a must watch drama to watch this 2021. you will miss a lot in life if you don't watch this drama. it's a perfect master piece so beautiful a 10/10!!!!!! it gives you this certain chills that makes you watch it more and more. you can really feel the characters emotion. you can see it in the drama on how hard they worked for this project. it sure is a master piece, this drama gave me a lot of lessons in life. like my perspective in love have grown deeper. in this drama I also learned the importance of oneself, and how family is very important. and I got butterflies in my stomach almost all the time. you will learn a lot in this drama, again this is a must watch drama you won't regret it.

my favorite quote of one of the characters is:
-I'll just let it hurt when it does, I can be alright when the pain stops.
(lee young hwa)

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Feb 14, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Beautiful Relaxing Drama

Just want to say that this may not be for everyone and this is better to be watched weekly rather than binge watching.

The story is healing, relaxing, and calming. It’s not over the top but the story telling is very subtle.

The characters are all different, they have their own quirks and differences, but i love how they all shined from start to end.

Noticed that there are a lot of symbolisms throughout the drama, i think while it looks calm from the outside, it requires attention to the many details.

The ost, cinematography, beautiful as well. I will rewatch this again soon. A 10/10 drama.

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Feb 9, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

One of the best dramas. The script is flawless.

This drama is an actual cultural reset. It has no flaws. It is a perfect masterpiece from a rookie writer's first work. She's made a fan for life.
This drama is just a beautiful portrayal of relationships, romantic, sibling, parental, marital and platonic. I couldn't believe how perfect the script and story is, it heals you and makes you better.

From the first episode, I loved the characters, the setting, the chemistry and the way it was filmed. There was no way for me to escape from falling for this drama and its characters.

It's so close to reality, each character communicates. The communication and understanding between the character is given the highest regard by the writer, this has almost never happened in any other drama I have seen. It tackles pain that people face when they are in a relationship in a way that has never been done before. Some, if not all of the dialogues the characters say actually deserve an award. I will riot if the drama doesn't get an award.

The actors really outdid themselves. Sekyung's best performance yet. Her acting is amazing. Her character, one for the books. She's unapologetically herself, loves herself and takes care of herself. She puts herself first, this kind of character, I have never seen before.
Im shi wan has also earned a fan for life. His voice, his actions and expressions are to die for. He has such a hold on the audience. A genius actor. I cant wait to watch more of his works, as this was my first.
Sooyoung and tae oh also did a great job at making sure I feel all kinds of emotions.
Jtbc did God's work by releasing behind the scenes and interviews of the actors which I watched like it's my daily routine. I love the main actor's chemistry, honestly if they date, I wont be surprised.

Each and every character is precious in thier own way. There is literally nothing for me to complain about. Though I'd like to Express my love towards the secretary, his character is gold. He's so precious, funny and so human unlike the secretaries in other shows who are shown to be more robotic.

One more thing I loved about this show was that none of the characters were labelled to be a particular way. Nobody assumed anyone to be straight, this was truly a breath of fresh air. Its leading a trend towards more sensitive dramas in the future, hopefully.

The osts of the show are top tier. I would really recommend this ost called "sorry" by 2F, it literally gives you goosebumps. I watched and heard each of the osts during my one week wait between episodes.

Run on is always on my mind. One of my all time favourite dramas for sure. Highly recommended.

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fromai_1 fanai
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 22, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

There couldn't be a perfect K-drama for ages 25+

Don't be intimidated by my headline! I'm just saying it's best fitted for this age group because we already/are about to face many of the problems faced by the characters in this show. 16 year old me wouldn't understand many of the things they slyly implied and how their obstacles are ACTUAL obstacles that we encounter in real life.

The strongest point this drama is undoubtedly the dialogues between everyone and especially the first and second lead couples. I could listen to their normal conversations for 16 more episodes without any story involved, that's just how good it was. An anime avid watcher would compare it to the Monogatari Series or Rascal Bunny Senpai... they would be on the right page and they felt so similar even though this isn't superficial of any sort.

The story itself is quite light but strong in terms of pointing out problems from real life and showing us the best ways to handle/solve (kinda) them. Kdrama tropes are scarce in this one compared to other Korean romance/drama/comedy series. It doesn't rely upon cheap cliffhangers and obvious complications to hold on to the viewers' attention. Though the main plot itself isn't that interesting, it surely didn't have much plotholes (from my perspective) so it kept itself in frame of it's broadness.

The casting was perfect. Nothing much to say about them except their chemistry is so good that there were times I couldn't tell the difference, whether which one was the first or second leads. Second couple could have been given more airtime but that's just how these things work. No one could replace Choi Sooyoung for her role here, literally NOBODY could.

Overall, it was way over my expectations going into this drama. I highly recommend it to ones who don't like full blown jealousy + drama filled + rich family problems. Will definitely watch this again as soon as I feel the need for some dkdk for my heart.

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No One
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Utter garbage ! Actors can't act to save their lives !

Nothing good about it. .just an over the top makeup and camera action fanfare ... Nothing special to offer whatsoever .. I understand the teenagers who might find it entertaining, However , I assure you ... It will waste your time .. just disappointing till the end .. no plot no story. .. all action just leads to dead ends ... The characters act so , because the storyline demands it .. no character development of any sort .. doesn't help that the actress and actor are dumbstruck emotional less twigs.
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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

It's a drama for healing!

Main characters are all realistic and the show goes in depth about their lifes, feeling and thoughts. The side characters were also full of life, im happy we got to meet them.

Seon-gyeom (the male first lead) is not your typical male lead that comes from a rich family. While it has the typical parent problems i think the show takes an interesting and different take on it.
Mi joo (the female first lead) is maybe the best female character in kdrama land. She is just so real and has her ups and downs and she's so good. The way she's there for everyone she loves and how she takes care of herself and puts herself first when it's needed is admirable. She is just everything.

The main couple is just so healthy and their conversations are the best thing ever honestly, they fit so perfectly together. Their relationship is so calm and collected and full of love and respect that goes both ways. Dare i say that they are the healthiest relationship in drama land i have ever seen. Their honest conversations really make their relationship special.

The second couple is more complicated but yet full of banter and interesting conversations. He falls quickly but she takes her time because she doesn't understand what she feels. We can see how much Yeong Hwa matures during the drama and how Dan Ah she allows herself to have something for herself. Also still can't over the fact he gave her converse to play football in...that's such an art student thing to do. I'm happy they got their happy ending. They deserved it.

Not to mention the consistent talks about loving yourself and putting yourself first and casual and positive mentions of lgbt.

I'm glad Netflix kept recommending me the show because it stole my heart and the 1st place on my favorite kdramas.

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 11, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

It's a very refreshing watch, not your usual KDrama

I started Run On without expectations, but it ended up raising the bar so high for 2021 dramas, in my opinion.

The build-up and the pacing of the story were beautifully written. Every episode is enjoyable and there were no boring parts. I couldn't stress enough how much refreshing this drama is, especially the screenplay. It's not always that the characters of a drama talks, like have actual, mature conversations. The dialogue among characters were flawless-- they were realistic and it's not trying so hard to be witty. The writer(s) found the perfect balance on it making it relatable to the audience.

I also love the characters, all of them. As individual characters, I love how their growth and development weren't rushed and shows how progress is not linear. The lead couple was very cute, being shy and all. Some may find this a bit "off", but I think it's very crucial considering the dynamics of the two. Not only it reflects the character development of (primarily) the main lead, but also how the female lead also grew as a person. On the other hand, the second lead couple balances the "shy, teenager love" of the main couple. There could've been a little improvement on the second FL's character, but it's wonderful nonetheless.

When I finished watching this, I felt a pang in my chest because it's over. I am happy with how it ended, and how the story went. This drama will surely hold a special place in my heart. It taught me the importance of self-love and the different faces of it.

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Ongoing 5/16
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2021
5 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


I watched this awhile back while it was still airing and I couldn't seem to enjoy the plot as much, it was overwhelming boring as I came in with too much expectations for this. Also, the pacing is not as bad but I wish it was faster to get to the point as the plot is not very intriguing but that's probably because I am not a big fan of just romance plots? I also don't quite remember how the soundtracks sounded like and I haven't finished so I will update this review as I watch even though I am not sure I will be able to pick it up.
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Run On (2020) poster



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