The protagonist, Kokichi Kasai, is a police officer who works at a representative office in a small town in Hokkaido along with his wife Sachi, and daughter Yukiko. No big incidents or accidents occur, and we see the old stubborn “resident” and his family relationships with the local people that are drawn with a heartwarming feeling. Series 6: There is one sushi restaurant, "Kokoro no Hi", in the village that provides sushi to the elderly free of charge. It is a small sushi restaurant run by good brothers who set up a service day called "Heart Day" for the villagers and secretly deliver sushi to disadvantaged old people. Atsuta no Hama is the season when octopus fishing is now popular. Atsuta Village has reached the peak of octopus fishing. We see humorous and intriguing depiction of the simple and cheerful interaction between the brothers, who run the sushi restaurant, Honkan, and of the bright villagers. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- dansk
- Native Title: うちのホンカンシリーズ6「ホンカン仰天す」
- Also Known As: Honkan's Home Series 6: Honkan Amazing
- Screenwriter: Kuramoto So
- Genres: Drama, Family
Cast & Credits
- Otaki HidejiKasai Kou Yoshi [Honkan]Main Role
- Yachigusa KaoruKasai SachiMain Role
- Kamijo TsunehikoRokusuke [Sushi 6th Master]Support Role
- Kato YoshiMorii [Elderly former fisherman]Support Role
- Fujitani MiwakoKazukoSupport Role