The story follows the relationship between two brothers who are part of a Hong Kong triad. Tensions rise in the triad underworld when triad leader Tin Tam falls victim to an assassination attempt. His son, triad head Yiu Tam is now in charge, and must secure the safety of the triad from interlopers Uncle Nine and Kui. Meanwhile, cop Inspector Lau angles to bring Yiu down. Amidst this, Yiu's innocent brother, Shun Tam returns from America to visit his ailing father, only to find himself quickly drawn into the escalating violence of the triad underworld. Yiu acts to keep his brother safe, with trusted enforcer Ghostie acting as Shun's bodyguard. But Yiu may not be entirely on the level. Years ago, a fortune teller told Tin Tam that one of his sons would someday kill the other. To prevent that tragedy, Tin separated the two, but now that Shun and Yiu are back together, and with violence and betrayal surrounding them, it may only be a matter of time before the prophecy comes true. (Source: YesAsia) Edit Translation
- English
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- Norsk
Cast & Credits
- Eason ChanShun Tam (Tam Chung Shun)Main Role
- Michael MiuYiu Tam / Tam Chung YiuMain Role
- Felix Wong"Ghostie"Support Role
- Andy LauLau Chun FuiSupport Role
- Kent TongYim Kwok KuiSupport Role
- Gordon LamSergeant Lam SunSupport Role