Honestly, I was not going to give this movie a low rating even if it was pretty bad. Nostalgia is just too big of a factor and I can't be unbiased in this situation. However, what surprised me was how good this movie was. I LOVED it.The plot was great. I won't get into details to not spoil but it truly utilized the characters and their personalities great. (Possibly) Being set in the VS movie-verse of Toei, we even get some world-building to let you know that the seasons after Gokaiger also took place in these worlds outside of the ranger keys. We also acknowledge the time they returned in Zyouhger.
Ohh the music was such a beautiful sound to my ears. When I heard that "Tun dunt dura-rararant" I got chills.
And if you can't tell, I'm just gushing about this movie. So of course I'll rewatch this. Probably as soon as a finish this review.
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Seeing this 10 years after Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger ended must've been really something! Our lovely space pirates all spiced up with great CGI that wasn't available back then! What a treat!And the creation team sure knew what they were doing. Especially with Yamada Yuki's limited time window. The very first scene, the ruined galeon revealed by Joe holding that mighty gun! Then not a peep of him for the next 30+ minutes - and then his big comeback when he jumped down from the bridge and saved Gai all very, very superhero like. And then his scene with Marvelous! It was just wow. The reveal that he managed to save the galeon's heart! And then!!! The final fight with the other pirate crew and Marvelous and Joe fighting side by side, just the two of them, for the first time since... since ep 12! And Joe had Marvelous' back again. What a wonderful callback! And only Joe and Marvelous got to unlock the heart! And then the last scene in the restaurant, them all napping and Joe and Marvelous leaning against each other! Oh boy, oh wow, oh my!
This was honestly aimed at all my buttons and they were pushed hard. No wonder that people loved it so much. It made me so very happy. And it felt like their story will never end, like it will go on and on and on and they will evolve and go on more adventures and be a family... Mwah! Honestly, chef's kiss!
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The team in shambles, but at the end, they are the Pirate Sentai. My only complain is I wished we have more fight scenes, to be specific, the Marvelous vs. 100 Heroes scene. It felt like they could use some more key (heh) heroes that impacted Marvelous' journey, not just Black Condor.
P.S. Movie has a lot of Easter Eggs for the ones paying attention to Gokaiger and in Super Sentai in general.
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