A sweet little rom-com that got me thinking. . .
As soon as you mention teacher/student romance, the topic is automatically labelled taboo or controversial by many. It is understandable as a teacher is in an unique position of power to groom a young student for nefarious purposes and possibly subject them to abuse. That would be both illegal and morally corrupt and should be condemned. However, what happens if there is another side to this coin?This Show starts in just such an awkward scenario where the young and beautiful new homeroom teacher is confronted by a confession from a model student. She naturally rejected him and admonished him to not do it again.
For a good portion of its entire short run (8 x 20 mins episodes) we watch the ML does everything in his power to show the FL that he is serious and sincere about his feelings towards her. It is awkward at time but his energy is infectious. He is helped along the way by his friends (both male and female) and even the FL’s big brother when he realised that he is actually serious and trustworthy. Just about everyone involved is behind his quest. There is no obvious antagonist. The moral and societal barriers are his biggest hurdles.
It has its cliché moments and swoon-y ones as well, but the show is never manipulative or sexualised. The romance is surprisingly pure and sweet. A peck on the cheek is about as far as skinship goes. In that sense, the script never crosses the line unless you consider anything to do with teacher/student romance is automatically out of bound. In that case, this show is not for you.
It is not until towards the end that we find out why the ML is so hellbent on pursuing the FL. I’m not going to give the plot away but let’s just say that it is not your typical teenage crush. The reasoning actually makes sense and justifies his action.
There is certainly more depth to this show than the single-minded exploits of a young man in love. A lot has to do with abandonment, commitment and a need to belong. Tropey topics, indeed, but it is used effectively here.
I’m not going to make this out to be some kind of masterpiece theatre. It is short and made with a small budget. There are no big-name actors, and the mostly young cast did their best with limited experience and abilities. Nevertheless, it is entertaining and I enjoyed it. The ML’s and his friends’ antics are both over the top and heartfelt. You know he is being naughty, but you also want to cheer him on like everyone else. You do have some reservation whether the whole story will end well or turn sour given the controversial topic.
I’m glad to report that the ending is sweet and satisfying. There is no hint of serious romance but there is meaningful banters and teasing. You know that they are playing by the rules for now but are also marking time until he comes of age, finish school and then it will be on for young and old. I won’t mind a sequel that covers the next phase of their lives.
Lastly, I have to give credit to the scenes depicting the inter-thoughts of the FL. They are amusing and insightful. Uniquely Japanese and quite charming.
I have no problem rewatching it as a weekend binge. There is no point in comparing it to a big budget, serious drama. It is just a bit of lightweight fluffy fun and viewed from that angle, it is good enough for me and hence my score. Peace out.
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Murai no... Supportive Community
If we put aside the taboo aspect of the context, Murai no Koi is such a cute and hilarious show! I love the little moments of comedy; especially those that reveal what's happening in Ayano's head.I also love that even thought it's "Murai's Koi", everyone comes together to help and support. It's not just about the romance, but also the different kinds of relationships we have in life: family, friends, work colleagues, etc. Although surface level it's just a lighthearted romcom (and you can definitely enjoy it just for that!), when you peel back the layers there are some beautiful life lessons to be learnt.
The music is a bit low just because it wasn't too memorable for me.
*Also; I've finished watching the show but it hasn't been updated on MDL yet so it's marked as "ongoing"
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Not Good Enough
Japanese Drama " Murai no Koi " is a school romantic comedy about a teacher who has an obsession with a character from a game, and a student who looks like the character and is in love with her.The drama had its cute moments, though, the overall story was half-baked and had some twists that were conveniently resolved. That is probably due to its short length, which did not aid with the story in general.
The characters, moreover, were nicely portrayed, and the leading lady was especially enjoyable and adorable, and handled her comedy scenes masterfully.
So, overall, three out of ten.
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This review may contain spoilers
This is one of those dramas where I would have been fine without the two leads ending up together. It’s not that I had an issue with watching student-teacher relationships, as I’ve seen tons. But the execution, and the backstory towards the end of when Murai first fell in love with Tanaka wasn’t sitting well with me. I actually would have preferred if Tanaka end up marrying her colleague Yamakado, whom she had more chemistry with. The romance feels very one-sided, or perhaps this was the show’s intention I don’t know. But I think it was really more of an escapism on Ayano’s part, and only after confronting her own ambiguous feelings for Murai did she break free of her illusion from Hitotose, an online game character who she has been obsessed with, as his eyes reminded her of her friend’s (Really weird if you ask me, if you find out who). I wasn’t also keen on the second couple, where there was lack of development, nor rhyme or reason why Yayo-chan should be with Hirai.
The only saving grace about this drama is that it keeps reminding us that it is wrong to be in a relationship with a minor, from Ayano herself who tells Murai this, to Yamakado reminding Ayano that this is one line people shouldn’t cross, to the ending that thankfully does not show any further skinship between the two.
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I couldn't get past the student/teacher relationship
This show was totally played for laughs, thankfully, but still... why couldn't they have made her just a few years older than him, but still in school? The low rating by me is pretty much due to this, it was uncomfortable for me to watch. That said, you should try it if...1) You want somewhat over the top humor.
2) Don't mind overacting (purposeful in this case, I think)
3) Like the "fated to be" trope
4) You are in the mood for something light to watch, without angst
5) You don't like 2FL storyline. There is one, but it is resolved really well
6) You like to watch shows about friendships and the importance of friendships
7)You like some fantasy in your shows. I mean, she thinks she's in love with a manga character!
8) You like a cute ending.
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Ottimo per staccare la spina
Recensito da: Jade IG: _dramalia_Murai è un liceale brillante, da dieci e lode in ogni materia, sembrerebbe lo studente perfetto, se non che ha una cotta spaventosa per la sua insegnante. Nel suo questionario sul futuro, scrive di volerla sposare e lei ovviamente lo convoca nel suo ufficio per fargli una ramanzina. Tanaka sensei è conosciuta come la professoressa di ferro, integerrima, tutta d’un pezzo che non da relazione a nessuno e non si interessa dei club scolastici. E’ fredda all’apparenza e quando Murai le confessa il suo amore, lei lo rifiuta seccamente, dicendogli che non le piacciono i ragazzi con i capelli lunghi e neri. Il giorno dopo lui si presenta con la chioma tagliata e biondo, sconvolgendola per la sua somiglianza con un personaggio dei videogiochi di cui è innamorata: Hitotose. Totalmente nel pallone a causa di quel cambiamento, Tanaka si ritrova coinvolta in una situazione da cui non riesce ad uscire. Murai non ha alcuna intenzione di demordere nel suo amore per lei e fa di tutto per conquistarla. Miyase Ryubi riesce ad interpretare sia lo studente che il personaggio animato alla perfezione, creando scenette divertenti e momenti kawaii che ti fanno tifare spudoratamente per i suoi occhioni dolci. E’ affiancato da due amici leali, i quali lo consigliano, lo supportano e lo aiutano in ogni situazione, senza mai tirarsi indietro. Tanaka sensei rimane sempre salda nel suo rifiuto, ma lentamente inizia a provare una simpatia per quel ragazzino impertinente che arriva a sfidare suo fratello (un agente di polizia) in un duello all’ultimo sangue, solo per conquistarne il cuore e il diritto a corteggiarla. Ovviamente l’amore tra un’insegnante e uno studente non è qualcosa che possa avvenire e i due rischiano spesso di essere scoperti, fino al punto in cui Tanaka rischia il lavoro. Fortunatamente, con l’aiuto di tutto il gruppo di spostati, i due riescono finalmente a parlarsi a cuore aperto e il lieto fine (o almeno una specie) è dietro l’angolo. Ho trovato questo drama carino e frizzante, divertente e molto dolce specialmente sul finale. Chiaramente è qualcosa di leggero senza grandi pretese, ma nella sua semplicità è fatto molto bene. Gli attori sono perfettamente calati nel drama ed è divertente anche vedere come la mente di Tanaka sia un groviglio di emozioni rappresentate da personaggi in costumi storici (ovviamente lei insegna storia, che ve lo dico a fare). Durante la narrazione riusciamo anche a comprendere il motivo della sua ossessione, che ho trovato a dir poco tenero e possiamo sbirciare nel suo passato complicato. Abbandonata da tutti, si è rifugiata in un mondo di finzione, aggrappandosi a personaggi che non l’avrebbero mai lasciata. Ovviamente prendete il tutto per quello che è e non aspettatevi che i personaggi principali si bacino o facciano qualcosa di scandaloso, è pur sempre un drama adolescenziale. Io però ve lo consiglio per quelle giornate in cui non volete niente di serio, ma solo staccare la spina.
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