Only Friends Episode 5

The Extra Hour

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Ratings: 8.5/10 from 92 users
Reviews: 9 users
Season: 1

Ray spends a day with Sand to get to know him better. Mew begins to feel ready to take his relationship with Top a step further. Nick begins to make some changes in his life by changing his wardrobe and going to the gym. (Source: TVDb)
  • Aired: September 09, 2023

Only Friends Episode 5 Reactions

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Jan 9, 2024

The writing is so good

Sand helping ray getting over his hungover (well, before they got interrupted) was hot af. But also the way they talked about jerking off without making it awkward, was awesome. -------- Lol nick listening to a podcast to change his life gotta be the most random and realistic thing I’ve seen in dramas. ------------- The lady at the shirt shop probably was like “right in front of my salad?!” ?? ––––––– Bro that stare tho between them while he helped him "change clothes" tho. Damn. -------------- Love how that girl (summer) left because she saw ray and sand staring so lovingly into each other’s eyes. Like she just saw she’s third wheeling and quietly left. This series really gotta be the first bl drama where the females aren’t treated like shit and are actually nice characters.--------------I don’t know what people are seeing in TopNew but all I can see is his toxicity and annoying face. There’s no cuteness between them whatsoever. What’s everyone talking about in the comments…---------------Yo I did not expect Sand’s mom to be the owner of a strip club lmao. But it’s something different for sure. ---------------Lmao poor ray being forced to sing. XD Yo the first verse of the song starts with „I’ve fallen for you“?? Yo sure. That’s what you give to a friend, right. ;) ----------------The conversation between him and his mom tho??„I don’t think he’s just a friend.“ - „Guess not. Let’s wait and see.“Omg?? I love it?? He really meant open when he said he’s open.-----------------Sand being named sand because her mom did it on a beach lmao im crying.-----------------Ray saying „mad respect for her“ when finding out she didn’t want an abortion even though she didn’t plan to get pregnant, is amazing. I still can’t believe women are getting respect in a BL drama but I’m all here for it.------------------“I just want to keep track of romantic moments between my friends”Yea sure buddy. I don’t get why he did that with the photos but atp I feel like he gets turned on by “secret love affairs” or sth. -----------------Everyone hating on Boston for saying that, yes it’s true he’s an ass, but how come people are even shipping TopMew?? Mew is far worse than Boston and much more narcissistic. ------------------The scene on the bed hurt af. It’s sad how Sand is falling for ray and ray probably too but he can’t let Mew go, also bc Mew has such a shitty boyfriend. If only mew had someone that ray would get along with, I’m sure it’d be easier to let his crush for him go. Cause after all, they’re best friends and if your best friend has a toxic relationship, ofc you wanna stop them from going any further. But atm he can’t differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings when he cares for him and that’s the problem. I’m sure everyone can see they both deeply care about each other as friends, but bc they also know Ray has a crush, it’s hard to tell if he only cares bc he wants to get closer to him or bc he genuinely wants him to be happy. Ig it’s a mix of both. Man, so complicated. Gotta praise the writers for this tho.

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Nov 5, 2023

Five Stars

Beautifully captured the main theme of this episode 'extra hour'.I love Sand's mom, she's so lovely and understandable and supportive.Each realtions are goinf steps forward but will they continue on goinf forward or sth actually make them to comeback.Also, Boston, you moth***ker!
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Oct 18, 2023

Oh my god

I’m going to kill myself. I literally can’t with this show. They were doing so good and Boston has to ruin everything because he has no self worth bro. Fuck getting on my fucking nerves with his shit. I can’t I want to cry bro. The final episode comes out on my homecoming and if they kill Ray I’m going to just start crying. I’m not mentally strong enough for this. Ray needs rehab and someone to love him, which is sand. Top needs rehab, therapy and some melatonin bro. Than he will perfect for mew. And Boston is just a whore to be a whore bro. When Nick leaves he will finally realize bro. Okay bye!
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Selma Hansen
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Sep 24, 2023

Sands episode

This episode is amazing in how we really get to know Sands character and how he actually feels towards Ray. The whole Ray is my 25th hour thing just shows how important Ray is to Sand and why he won't leave him even though he probably should. Not to mention the animation in the opening and ending is just really fun
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Sep 11, 2023

The calm before the storm

This episode was soooo nice. We got some cute dates and then BOOM the end got you all riled up.Sand and Ray continue to be the strongest couple for me. Their chemistry is on fire and each episode you see how they get to know each other more and more. Maybe it started with "just sex" but it quickly turned into more as both of them show real interest for the other person and their story.One scene really got me: Nick and Boston in the pool. I don't know why, but something with the colours and the camera angles was really well done. Of course, Neo's and Mark's acting is so great here as well. They portray a lot with their eyes and body language. There is no awkwardness, they feel like a couple and that would be great if Boston wouldn't be such a trouble-maker and Nick a stalker I guess.Also, Mew and Top's first time was beautifully shot. It really felt honest and innocent – so cute! I could've enjoyed way more if Top wouldn't be unfaithful and a liar. I cannot wait to see how this is gonna go when everyone will know what happened between Top and Boston. We got a little taste of that at the end... my poor Sand. This is going to be a tough ride.

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Sep 11, 2023

starting with boring vibes, but nice at end.

Episode kali ini di awali dengan scene romantis setiap main character dengan couple-nya, namun saya merasa bosan untuk itu ; scene hanya berisi kemesraan tanpa makna, atau apapun yang berhubungan dengan cerita, minim life meaning dan terasa sangat kering. Mungkin tidak semuanya sependapat dengan saya, namun jujur itulah yang saya rasakan. Setelah semua itu terlewati, series menunjukan sesuatu hal yang menarik, ya seperti sebuah masalah baru akan muncul, Boston ; dialah yang paling tidak bersahabat di sini, dialah iblis utama di series ini haha. Setelah scene itu, saya menemukan alasan untuk melanjutkan series ini, karena sepertinya pertengkaran ini lumayan menarik. Sejujurnya menurutku series ini sangat minim dengan life meaning, dan saya tidak tau mengapa saya harus menonton series ini, ceritanya sangat umum dan sederhana, tidak terlalu menarik atau berkesan, series ini hanya menceritakan cinta yang rumit sebagai masalah utama, entah... tapi saya akan mencoba melanjutkannya, mungkin jika ceritanya terus seperti ini tanpa masalah yang berarti, saya bisa saja berhenti.

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Sep 10, 2023

Seriously... Boston... *Sigh*

Since Jojo said the characters are based on real people, I feel so sad because last night was supposed to be Sand's happiest birthday. Boston just can't see any of his friends happy. If only Chaeum were a man, I bet he would ruin his happiness too. But we still don't know a lot about Chaeum and April's story. Who knows, maybe Boston also got involved in their relationship? Please, Boston. Last night, we even witnessed how cute you are when you act like a clingy boyfriend at the pool. Can't you just be happy? Why ruin everything? *Sigh*
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Sep 9, 2023


Actors continue toshow howversatilethey are and each keepsin character.Nice to serthe use ofdifferentlocales. Use of non Thaimusic a nicechange. Some light moments and some raunchymomentstoo.
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Sep 9, 2023

Secrets are coming out into the open

Boston is a prick but we already knew that. He just seems so unhappy that he doesn't want anyone else to find their happiness. I just feel so bad for Sand. I think there's a chance Ray can be happy with him and finally get over Mew, but Boston is making sure that doesn't even happen.
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