The series revolves around the lives of senior high students Jiggs, Hope, Kokoy, Tania, and Atom, who have forged a special bond of friendship during the pandemic. As they find their footing in this post-pandemic reality, witness how their friendship will be tested as they will be challenged by their own pains, struggles, and dreams. (Source: ABS-CBN) Edit Translation
- English
- Português (Brasil)
- Español
- 한국어
- Native Title: Zoomers
- Also Known As: Zoomers: The Series
- Director: Chad Vidanes
- Genres: Romance, Life, Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Harvey BautistaJiggs del RosarioMain Role
- Criza TaaHope Sta. MesaMain Role
- Krystl BallTania CastilloMain Role
- Ralph de LeonAtom AndradaMain Role
- Luke AlfordKokoy JavierMain Role
- Kei KurosawaFaye MirandaSupport Role