gave more than expected (but maybe not enough?)
I picked this up thinking it would be just a light watch as I was getting bored,but surprisingly it actually hooked me
the acting wasn’t top-notch, but it wasn’t bad either, most the actors gave exactly what was expected of their characters without taking away the spotlight of the other characters…
the show gave you enough to watch to keep watching and the over exaggeration that’s expected from Thai dramas too adding a more light tone overall and a comedic twist
the separate relationships between the characters was dealt with well too (romantic, platonic, parental etc)
However, I think with a longer run/ or even within 6 episodes, the more dystopian side could be explored, I think it was slightly brushed off how the societies normality wasn’t equal between men and women but no one had any issue with it until the last point (which was shown with the revolt at the end and almonds character showing how integrated the regime was). Also there was no true resolvement apart from the couples
(but there is a possibility for a season two)
overall it was a good watch if not deeply interpreted and taken more on face value with a hint of more complex details.
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Thai meets Hunger Games meets The Divergent
This was so cute! The plot was simple and cute. It felt like The Hunger Games cute little sister, that’s more simple and adorable. It had cringy humor but I didn’t hate it, I was embracing it. The acting was awkward at time, but you could tell that the actors were trying.I watched it in one sitting and it left me feeling excited. If you need a break from more serious dramas, this one is for you. I’m currently watching The Glory and I needed something the cleanse my soul a little bit, something predictable and cute and this was exactly what I needed.
Love it! ?
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Don't really know if some dramas with the exact plot already exists but this one was actually a good one. The plot has a lot of potential and I really hope they made it to a 10-12 episodes series to flesh out the characters' stories and motives more. The music and overall scoring is actually good. Acting needs to be improved but I still liked it nonetheless. The budget is budgeting as it is evident on the overall production. Hopefully they'll do a second season to redeem themselves. Still a good watch tho.Was this review helpful to you?
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Squid Games but make it a Rom Com
Ready Set Love reminded me of squid games with the bright set and the different games with eliminations. That's as far as the similarities with Squid Game go. I almost dropped it when I first started watching because I didn't care for the FL. I thought her acting and expressions were over the top. I'm happy I didn't drop the show because it was good and the female lead improved as the show progressed. I'm happy the story didn't just focus on the game aspect, I liked the story of the characters working to dismantle the system. I wish this show was longer and maybe we wouldn't need a season 2. Because the story was short the romance was good but lacking. We knew the leads had chemistry due to a shared past but beyond that, we didn't get to see them fall for each other again it was just I like you because your meow meow the kid I played/protected when I was younger. I would've liked to see more progression in the romance. Also if the show was longer the viewer wouldn't have to guess what happened to Son's father because the viewer isn't given any information other than he was caught but obviously, he didn't go back to the farm so where did he go? We'll get our answer to that in a possible season 2 because, during the last scene of the show, we see Ms. Kwan being given pictures of Son and Day (Their son) and Son's father. I rated this a 7.5 because it was good but their some things I would've changed.Was this review helpful to you?
a quirky dystopian series (side BL couple)
Overall: bright colors, comedy and a dating game somehow blend well with a dystopian world and sinister underpinnings. 6 episodes about 1 hour each. Aired on Netflix Warnings: death off screen, held against will, manipulation, likely more I'm forgetting
BL Scenes
episode 2: 52-54 (set up)
episode 4: 14:15-19:25, 34:15-34:45, 37:45-40, 49-55:30
episode 5: beginning-1
episode 6: 57-1hr2, 1hr9:15-1hr10:45
What I Liked
- het, GL & BL representation
- it made me laugh a few times
- tension/chemistry
- family relationships
- commentary on freedom/rights
Room For Improvement
- the ending was good but it teased a 2nd season which hasn't been announced
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Promising start but disappointing in the end
Based on the trailer and synopsis Netflix showed me, I was expecting a fun game show romcom. In fact, the first episode certainly delivered that! The opening, the acting, the characters, the main couple, and game show theme showed what kind of drama we were getting into. Very colorful, kinda cheesy with some heartfelt moments, and hilarious.However, the more I watched, the more the show ended up suffering from including way too many subplots and lack of development from most of the cast. Aside from the game show, there’s: showing the dystopian world they live in, what happens to the males in that world, The Farm, the little sister’s illness, Chanel’s family, exposing the dark side of The Farm, Day’s friend (Valentine) discovering that Almond is her brother, and much more. it’s all just…too much that the episodes felt cramped.
While Day x Son were a pretty decent couple (not a fan of ‘oh we were childhood friends before’ type of connections but they were still cute), the side couples felt so forced to me. Max had an immediate attraction to Chanel and their chemistry wasn’t that interesting so I wasn’t into it. Same with Paper and that radio/singer guy, they had one interaction/deep conversation together and honestly their scenes bored me so I wasn’t into that one either. Speaking of characters, I was a bit disappointed with how small of development the 3 out of the 5 guys got. Almond and Day were the most interesting and had decent development. Max and Paper could have been better and I’m pretty sure the show forgot about Glasses Guy (see, I even forgot his name).
I was expecting to love this show after episode 1 but unfortunately, it ended up being incredibly disappointing. While it does have its good points like the opening (I LOVE the song so much!), Day being a pretty fun FL, the silly moments, and even some heartfelt moments (the whole thing with Almond and Valentine broke my heart and wish we got more of them). But honestly, if this show ends up getting a season 2, I don’t think I would watch it.
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Dissatisfied With the Ending
This whole show was great for the first few episodes, I loved the story and how it was progressing, even when some of the most cringiest things happened! The only thing I didn’t like was the ending. The backstory wasn’t very good in my opinion and the ending was completely different from everything else in the show. I still loved this show, but I’ll always be a little disappointed with the endingWas this review helpful to you?
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Interesting setup, meh execution
The good things first: beautiful sets! the production quality was amazing, at least from the two episodes I watched. Now the bad stuff ...First of all, I really dislike when people from a lower socioeconomic class are portrayed as dumb, slovenly, or unable to be dignified. The contradiction is extremely annoying in this show because while the FL works hard to support her sick sister, once she enters the competition she becomes ... kind of an idiot? Like, she doesn't know how to conduct herself appropriately, only thinks about food, eats like a slob. Basically the complete reverse of the capable, hardworking person the show already told us she's supposed to be.
But anyway, I quit the show during the second (I think) episode where they have to dress up in food costumes and run a race. It made absolutely zero sense for Almond (I think his name was) to be that incompetent. And I really don't like shows that make characters dumb/intelligent or capable/incapable based on what the story needs them to be in that moment. Like, why is your character that foolish all of a sudden?
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Dystopie entraînante saupoudrée de comédie, romance et thriller
Au départ, je pensais voir une sorte de drame thaï usant d'un jeu télévisé stupide avec des personnages sans saveur, mais Ready Set Love s'est avéré bien plus intéressant. Je n'ai pas vu les bandes-annonces ou quoi que ce soit d'autre. Je me suis lancée à l'aveugle avec comme seul indice le résumé de Netflix. Et quelle aventure loufoque et entraînante !On suit Day, une jeune femme (décrite comme ordinaire) qui est tirée au sort pour participer à la septième saison du jeu télévisé pensé par le gouvernement : « Ready, Set, Love ». Un jeu dans lequel les femmes s'affrontent pour se rapprocher d'un des cinq prétendants en jeu. Une chose en entraînant une autre, la vérité derrière le mur impeccable de la Ferme s'effrite pour laisser entrevoir une réalité bien plus moche.
C'était amusant de découvrir l'univers ultra coloré qui m'a rappelé Hunger Games pour le côté très excentrique et Squid Game pour la DA et l'ambiance générale qui se dégage. La série exploite pas mal de thématiques (l'élitisme, la liberté et la maternité en tête de liste). Dans un monde où les hommes sont rares (plus de quatre ans viennent de passer sans qu'aucune naissance de garçons ne soit enregistrée), la maternité devient une thématique forte. L'annonce d'un garçon à naître est une grande nouvelle à l'échelle mondiale. Le fait de ne pas avoir de cause connue quant à la soudaine diminution de naissance masculine n'est pas un problème. D'une certaine façon, la source originale n'est pas la quête principale. J'ai aimé le choix de se concentrer sur l'intrigue actuelle et ne pas s'encombrer du reste.
Tous les personnages étaient bons. De Blue et sa belle gueule, jusqu'à Man et son sourire charmant (d'ailleurs, j'ai été ravi de le retrouver ici). Max et sa haine du tissu qui touche la peau de son torse (le personnage est ridiculement drôle). Day et ses convictions de fille ordinaire ayant grandi dans le « vrai monde ». Ou encore Chanel qui peut, à la première impression, être toute désignée comme la garce du podium, mais s'avère bien plus intéressante que ça (et de toute façon, ce n'est pas vraiment une garce). On s'attache à eux sans trop se forcer. Les choses se font naturellement.
Derrière les personnages, les acteurs et actrices qui étaient excellents, principaux ou secondaires. Rien à redire sur ce point.
En raison de son format de 6 épisodes, le dernier s'accélère et prend une tournure plus sombre et tire sur les dernières ficelles dramatiques. L'histoire se termine avec une petite ellipse pour nous donner un léger aperçu de l'après. Cependant, Netflix restant Netflix, une scène pré-générique nous laisse apercevoir une possibilité de suite. Elle pourrait être intéressante, mais cela dépendra des choix des scénaristes.
En bref, derrière son générique peu flatteur, Ready Set Love s'amuse des apparences tout en ayant réussi le mélange bien dosé entre dystopie, comédie, romance et thriller.
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Fui com baixas expectativas e me surpreendi...
No meio das andanças do catalo da Netflix, encontrei esse drama que a premissa tinha uma vibe dos livros de A Seleção, com um estilo Big Brother Brasil e uma pequena pitada de Jogos Vorazes. Achei que seria uma trama meio bobo sem construção de personagem e enrolado. Mordi a minha lingua.Assisti toda a serie em apenas um dia, ela te instiga de uma forma inexplicável. Amo cada um dos personagens desse drama. Tenho algumas ressalvas sobre alguns pontos que não foram abordados nessa temporada e que eu queria que fossem melhor explicadas. Mas isso não é um problema, com aquele gancho final no ultimo episodio, ja estou esperando a próxima temporada.
Tendo em vista isso o que espero ver na próxima temporada é:
1) O que aconteceu com a fazendo depois do programa, o governo interferiu em alguma coisa ?
2) O desenvolvimento maior do que aconteceu com o pai do Son.
3) Como estão o Son a Day e o filho com os rebeldes, por que aquela cena final pra mim ficou parecendo que ta tudo perfeito, não tem mais problema no mundo.
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Určite to stoji za pozretie
Bola som spočiatku skeptická, nejaký seriálik o hre a´la : Přijmeš moji růži? ... ale teda už po prvej časti sa to zvrtne a zatiahne vás to do deja, že sa vám ani nebude chcieť ísť spať, kým neprídete k časti, ktorá nie je napínavá resp. nejak zaujímavá ;-)Tematika seriálu o svete, kde sa rodí len cca 0,01% mužskej populácie a smotánka si ich necháva pre seba, aby sa mohla množiť, pričom na oko, sa v rámci súťaže, o priazeň mužov môžu uchádzať aj dievčatá z nižšej vrstvy. Hlavná predstaviteľka je tvrdohlavá, ešteže existujú mladšie a ešte tvrdohlavejšie sestry, ktoré im radi popletú život, a láska, ktorá sa prederie na povrch aj vtedy, keď je zakázaná.
Seriál je vtipný, napínavý, so súťažami s akými sa bohužiaľ u nás nestretávame, (max ak ste pozerávali Takeshi castle) s krimi - dramatickou zápletkou. Koniec je fajn, ale ostal otvorený, tak som zvedavá, či sa odhodlajú na druhú sériu a celý "svet" dajú do poriadku.
Serial mi ponúklo v rámci Netflix-u a to rovno s cz titulkami, a keď som videla, ze tam hrá Man Trisanu Soranun , nebolo o čom, a pustila som si ho,xi
Jednoznačne ho môžem odporučiť a prajem vám prijemné sledovanie ;-)
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hmmm, tôi không biết đặt tên tựa đề đánh giá như thế nào
vâng, thực tế mà nói chung thì..1. về diễn xuất và khả năng phối hợp giữa tất cả mọi người đều chặt chẽ, không có sự rời rạc.
2. phim tạo nên nhiều tình tiết bất ngờ, tạo tình huống hồi hộp (đặc biệt nhất là các phân cảnh cuối cùng đến từ tập 6 [ví dụ: tính từ vị trí của chanel (do lilly thủ vai) lên trước khi lilly chọn cưới người đàn ông cho mình,v.v...]
3. âm thanh, âm nhạc đều được hòa âm và phối khí cực kỳ tốt, nghe rõ ràng.
4. hiệu ứng hình ảnh linh hoạt.
5. nichapalak thongkham (lilly) diễn xuất trong bộ phim này thật sự rất tiến bộ ^^
6. đây là suy đoán của tôi, ban đầu tôi đã nghĩ nó dành cho người 16+ trở lên, tôi đã đúng.
kết: đây là ý kiến riêng của tôi, bạn có thể tham khảo nó.
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