62 people found this review helpful
Mar 3, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I watch A LOT of Kdramas, but I only write a review when a drama really stands out for me in some special, unique way. Sometimes the uniqueness is the whole package like White Christmas or Evasive Inquiry Agency. Sometimes the uniqueness is batcrap craziness like What Happened in Bali. Sometimes I just can’t put my finger on why I think it is so good, it just is, like A Man’s Story. Miss Korea is the whole package PLUS it tugged at my heart, made me laugh, made me cry, made me cheer, and most of all, really made me care about the people that inhabited its universe – not just the main characters, but all of their friends and relatives too (well, except Kang Woo’s hyung, who was just a big jerk).

Not since Dalja’s Spring have I felt that characters other than the main couple received as much loving attention as they did in Miss Korea. And, Miss Korea surpasses Dalja’s Spring at that (Miss Korea now has my favorite secondary couple in the history of Kdrama). But Miss Korea has so much more going for it than the characters, even if they are the best feature. Acting, writing, directing, cinematography, costumes, soundtrack, attention to detail and research – Miss Korea excels in all of these areas. Miss Korea might be, nay, IS the first Kdrama that I can say has no flaws. I wouldn’t change a thing – not one thing – not even the ending, and, as all us Kdrama lovers know, endings are usually the pitfall of every Kdrama no matter how good it is. But Miss Korea’s last episode is as perfect as its first and all the episodes in between.
In fact, there is only one problem with Miss Korea (I know I said it has no flaws, but hear me out)…

…NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE WATCHED IT! It is a travesty that this drama has not been more viewed domestically and abroad. Sure it was going up against the juggernaut of You Who Came from the Stars (or whatever translation you want to use), and that is a good drama, a very entertaining drama, but it’s not perfect (although Jun Ji Hyun is). But in the age of Internet and DVR, that’s no excuse! I wish more people in SK had watched this drama because I want more dramas like it, many more!

I want more Kdramas that feel this organic, with real characters going about their real lives and no makjang craziness! I want a rich, full universe that feels lived in with characters I love who have simple and beautiful hopes and dreams and are capable of achieving them using their own minds and effort rather than ridiculous dues ex machina and unrealistic plot twists. I want soundtracks that rock my world and perfectly match every mood and moment of the drama. I want good actors acting great and previously bad actors going above and beyond our wildest expectations. I want empowered women who are business owners and scientists. I want heroines that blow my mind with their personal strength and honesty and courage. I want OTPs that are honest with each other and even when one tries noble idiocy the other calls b.s. and there are no misunderstandings – EVER! I want careful attention to details and good research into plot devices.

I WANT MORE DRAMAS LIKE MISS KOREA! Watch it and you will too!

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Feb 27, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
It's against my principles to give anything 10/10 but on mydramalist, I had to for Miss Korea, because a mere 9 would have been a criminal libel. I'm almost pleased that they had LSK looking ridiculous as a "teenager" in a few shots because it gave me the wafer-thin excuse I needed to justify calling this "not 100% perfect" I can't give a list of pros and cons, because there really weren't any cons, so here are the top pros I found most remarkable:

1. ZERO, let me say again ZERO, nada, nil, bupkiss, makjang. Twenty episodes with plenty of grim but no nonsense. The absence of time skips, noble idiocy, zombie spouses etc was so bizarre for a K Drama that its very sanity almost seemed makjang. It was the primary example of

2. The revolutionary idea that viewers might be intelligent adults, and treating them accordingly. Characters who behaved credibly, and stayed in character. When noble idiocy loomed, it was called out as BS, which it always is. Shite happens and the bad guys DO get away with it, but life can go on and happiness can still be found.

3. The music. Really intelligent and well thought out choices, from the best ever use of Mickey and Barbie Girl to the song that ALWAYS makes me think of Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi behind chicken wire - Stand By Your Man The music was note perfect and the use of so many English language songs really helped this old man feel the nostalgia feels.

4. The acting. Unlike many, I HATE Pasta to the the core of my soul with a loathing that will burn forever. It was the very first K Drama I ever dropped and I still resent it bitterly for wasting 9 hours of my life that felt like 9 weeks. I could rant about everything I dislike about that Drama for nearly as long as I could laud this one to the skies, which is what makes it relevant here. LSK's performance in this Drama showed that he's an actor, and becomes his character. From partway through Episode 2 I did not even think of him as the loathsome tyrant of Pasta once. A great performance as a real human being. I know that it was the same creative team too, which makes the credibility and humanity of the characters all the more remarkable to me. Oh Jung Se was as reliably awesome as ever, adding one more big black mark to the record of those criminals who wasted his talents in MHIYD

This is also the third Drama in a row where I watched an actress for the first time whose previous works had been panned but who delivered in style.Go Ara, Yoona and now Lee Yeon Hee had all been lambasted as pretty faces who can't act, but all three for me delivered solid performances worthy of commendation. I absolutely loved LYH's delivery of the "You're Mine, and I'm mine" lines, perfectly encapsulating the character she so ably brought to life. And of course, very much unlike Yoona, LYH got a good ...

5. Ending. Perhaps the most remarkable feat of this Drama was its conclusion. It took real courage to end the pageant when they did, but then to give a masterclass in how to wind down a Drama was equally remarkable. In her recap of Episode 18, koala talked about the K Drama fixation with the drama lasting until the last couple of minutes then a quick happy ending as the credits roll. Or a handshake and a smile, which in some parallel Universe apparently counts as a "happy ever after" ending. The alternative to this "cry, hurt, pain, anguish, separation - kiss,smile, fade-out" style is normally a soggy, pointless pile of sap that looks and feels like the fan service it almost invariably is. But here, even when the BIG drama was done and dusted, there were enough smaller dramas to make it feel like a real, ongoing story, even while it wound down toward a truly satisfying happy ending.

At times I reveal a tendency to be a bit hyperbolic in my reactions to negative characters. It's a tribute to the brilliance of the 3-4 episode wind down of this Drama that by the end, all that bile was gone, and I was OK with the two villains getting away with it, actually getting off scot free. Because the Drama eased off gradually and showed the OTP being so perfectly perfect for each other while still being believable human beings, I wasn't left ranting "you call THAT a happy ending, why aren't those two snakes being skinned alive and boiled in oil?" Instead I was (quite literally) smiling and clapping with delight at the ways the Drama surprised me.

I am so indebted to the soompi friend for never missing an opportunity to sing this Drama's praises, and completely understand why he referred to it as the new Gold Standard of K Drama writings. It quite unarguably is, and that is itself a real problem. Even though my tally of 60-something Dramas watched means I'm still a beginner, I'd already got used to lowering expectations and looking only for good characterisation and believable OTP chemistry in the Dramas I choose to watch. Now I feel like I've seen a glimpse of K Drama's own Asgard, where the Drama Gods sup on ambrosial shows we never get to see. The end of Episode twenty meant the beanstalk was hacked out from under me, and my brief ascension to the dizzying heights of this medium's potential was terminated, leaving only very happy memories and the sad conviction that "we will not see its like again" . Except, of course, when I watch all over again from the beginning, this time with my wife.

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Feb 27, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
When the terms “underrated,” or “hidden gem,” attach themselves to a drama, I tend to step back. In many cases, it’s probably true; there are all sorts of reasons a decent show might not generate enough interest. Perhaps there exists a ratings giant in the same time-slot, or maybe the synopsis failed. At any clip, there’s always a danger whichever drama merely suits an individual’s taste better than others. So I will not say Miss Korea is some mythical diamond in the rough. But the adventurous among you (as well as those seeking positive female characters) might want to give it a shot.

Why not begin by dispelling possible preconceptions? Miss Korea is not some cheap opportunity to watch lovely ladies prance and preen. It never glorifies the institution of the beauty contest, nor does it present beauty as the only measure of female worth. Unlike myriad other dramas, characters do not fall dead at the feet of resident beauties. There is also no ugly duckling plot-line; the lead character is attractive, accepted as such, and needs little more than trade knowledge and support. No Hollywood style, remove-the-glasses-and-change-the-girl makeovers here, folks.

So what exactly is Miss Korea then? It is the earnest tale of perseverance, hard work, friendship, and love. Flaunting quirky style and offbeat humor, viewers tag along as a gorgeous elevator girl, a cosmetics micro-company, and a gangster (who ought to have been a teacher) all chase after their dreams. While the beauty contest plays a large part, it is merely the means to an end. Some events might be a touch predictable, this or that element slightly off, but so much remains to be enjoyed.

But what is any script without an excellent and involving cast? Lee Yeon Hee comes to mind first, playing delightful lead Oh Ji Young. This actress depicts both the strength and vulnerability of her character with aplomb, lending herself easily to the required nuances. Ji Young is also one of my favorite female characters to ever appear in a drama; she displays personal fortitude without authority or martial skill, but with one courageous “Waikiki!” and a bright smile. Lee Sun Gyun falters a little in comparison. His Kim Hyun Joon starts off by rather being sleazy and difficult to like. Luckily, as his chemistry with Lee Yeon Hee stabilizes and the drama finds its pace, so does he; interactions with his leading lady become a definite highlight. I adored both actor and character by the end. Nothing can make his flashback sequences less awkward, sadly. There’s just no making the man look like a teenager.

Other memorable performances come from Lee Mi Sook (fascinating Ma Ae Ri, whom I would love to explain but cannot because she's that incredible), and Lee Sung Min (oddly lovable gangster: Teacher Jung). His every scene with Song Sun Mi (Go Hwa Jung) were highlights in of themselves. It isn't often I fall for supporting characters as much as the leads, but these guys made it easy. Not everything is peachy, though. My chief complaint tacks onto Lee Ki Woo; he's gorgeous, I've enjoyed him before, but his Yoon was a hateful character played too stiffly for my taste.

If one has heard nothing else about Miss Korea, they'll have at least heard how amazing the soundtrack is. As picky as I can get with music, I concur with that opinion wholeheartedly. From memorable instrumentals to fitting insert vocals, this drama has everything. Personal favorites include "Moonlight" (Onew of SHINee), "Hero" (J-Min), and pretty much anything contributed by Every Single Day. Such a great sound for a more than pleasant show.

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13 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
I know the synopsis can be misleading but this drama is more than a simple story of a girl wanting to becoming Miss Korea. I started to watch this drama for the lead female. Her part in the drama Ghost was mediocre so I needed more concrete evidence that she was a good actor. She took the crown, literately, I am now a fan.
The story is based off of her trying to making a name for herself after years of settling into her party girl life style, but the story is not as shallow as it may seem. The drama tackled issues of peer pressure, self worth, and self esteem.
There were memorable cute scenes from the main couples and just when it got too serious there was comedy relief from the side characters. Also there are strong women all through this drama. Some are accomplished and teach others or they have ambition to do great things; such a girl power feel to it.

The OST was amazing, Onew has a magical voice that made the main couple's song come to life. There was always good music playing in the bg; it helped with the story telling in each scene, i felt more in love, more nervous or mad because of the music. I loved the OST so much its going on a playlist.

Overall I would recommend this drama when you need a break from crying or being frustrated with the other hundreds of dramas we watch. If we had to label this drama it would be a "slice-of-life". There was comedy, romance, and a bit of angst but not enough to be the central theme.
Rewatch value went down just because i would go back only for specific scenes that i loved, and not the whole drama.

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4 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
I watched this show hearing many comments that it was a very underrated show, overshadowed by the craze that was You From the Stars at the end of 2013 going into 2014. My verdict: it does deserve more attention than it received but not overwhelmingly, mostly due to the first half of the show.

The story is quite charming on the face of it - who doesn't love an underdog story? The characters also seem fully developed and thought out. However, the show falls short in its execution. I'm not sure what to attribute it to, the acting or the direction. I tend to attribute it to the direction, since the cast does feature some experienced and established actors who do a decent job with their characters. Especially Lee Seon Gyun and Lee Sung Min, who does provide moments of humour.

The use of the era of 1997 is significantly different from how it was used in the Answer Me series - it's now a lookback on childhood as an adult, instead of the process of getting to adulthood. What I did enjoy is how the main romantic relationship isn't expressed through in-your-face grandiose moments, but is written into little moments and it creeps up on you. I did hear good things about the team behind this show - I have not yet watched Pasta but I plan to, one day.

Lee Yeon-hee's acting skills improve vastly in this show as compared to the previous shows I've seen her in. However, she is definitely helped by the fact that she plays a well-formed, nuanced and relatable character, as well as playing opposite Lee Seon Gyun, who oozes charisma and stage presence. In fact, I'm thankful she isn't completely overshadowed by him in their scenes together. What I love about her character is her hardiness, her growth throughout the show and her sincerity which changes everyone around her by the end of the show.

Ms Ma is written well - on the outside she's a cold, professional and firm pageant expert, but on the inside, she is a principled woman. She sincerely cares for the welfare of every girl, and plays fair. Intellectually, I understand this, but emotionally, I initially found myself not compelled or moved by this character. Fortunately, by the end of the show, I fully understood Ms Ma and grew to love her too. The villain Yun was puzzling at times.

The show only really picks up from its "slump" in episode 9 or so. Before that, the company storyline to be on the brink of making progress but never makes any movement, which frustrated me. Thankfully the story does make good progress after episode 9 and it gradually grabbed my heart.

I enjoyed much of the background music, which brought out the bleaker tone of the era.

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11 people found this review helpful
Mar 26, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I have mixed feelings about _Miss Korea_. In a way I like it because there isn’t an over-the-top predicament, which a villain, whose malice defies description, creates for the character whose naive goodness makes him more a victim than a hero. And yet this very lack of an impossibly bad villain makes _Miss Korea_ a real oddity: a drama-less drama.

There are a number of candidates for the impossibly bad villain from a mid-level gangster boss to the successful-business-guy and rival lover of the heroine to the greedy, ambitious rival company manager to the rival beauty salon owner to the despicable department store manager of the “elevator girls.” Incredibly, every one of these candidates, with the exception one, turns over a new leaf and becomes a likable and sympathetic character. (At the end, even the potential villain, who holds out in turning over a new leaf, concedes victory to the hero.) Moreover, the bid to become Miss Korea, which is one of the two conflicts upon which the drama revolves, is decided around episode 15 of a 20 episode series.

At this point, the drama hangs on the question of whether the hero’s cosmetic company will survive and prosper. Alas, what with all but one of the potential villains having become the hero’s and heroine’s allies, by this point, it seems inevitable that the company will survive and most likely prosper. Whatever must-see value the drama then has is diverted to a side story which involves the possible romance between the reformed gangster boss with an elementary school education and the Ph. D. chemist who works for the hero’s cosmetic company. Though the side story is sweet, it’s not enough to fill in the vacuum left by the premature resolution of the Miss Korea contest and the inevitable financial success of Vivi Cosmetics.

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3 people found this review helpful
Oct 31, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
TL;DR? If you are a fan of strong characters and team work, then this drama is for you.

Honestly, I had no idea what to expect when going into this drama. No one I know had watched it, so I hadn't really heard much about it and I was unsure of whether I wanted to start it or not at first. I didn't know anyone from the cast except some minor players and the whole 1997 aspect of it was throwing me off. Despite all of this, I was desperate for a new drama so I gave it a shot. And I am exceedingly glad that I did.

Before I get into anything else about the drama, I want to dispel any hesitation you might have about the 1997 aspect. One of my friends says she refuses to watch it because it was set in the past, and another one was also hesitant because they didn't like Reply 1997. Other than some minor points, like Kim Hyung Joon using a beeper and there being an abundance of payphones and some other out of date technology, it is almost impossible to differentiate between this drama and a drama set in the present. So if that is one of the reasons that you haven't watched this drama, at least give the first episode a shot and see if it's something you can get over.

It's hard to really pinpoint just what exactly makes this drama so amazing. The actors were brilliant, and the characters were so well-written and nuanced, that it was always interesting to watch them come together to face their challenges. I think my favorite character would have to be Jung Teacher, hands down. He was a crass, boorish thug and in the beginning, you just want to punch him in the face a couple times til he gets his act together. But then this amazing thing happens, and we are treated some pretty amazing character growth along the way.

The two bumbling, maladroit buddies on Team Oh Ji Young were adorable for the most part, even if they didn't have much of an impact on the story line over all. Our male lead, Kim Hyung Joon was so many things; pathetic, conniving, hardworking, desperate, selfless, sweet, understanding, difficult. His character runs the gambit of personality traits, but in a way that doesn't seem schizophrenic in the least. Along with Jung Teacher, he does a lot of growing up an maturing along the way as well.

The women in this drama were just incredible, absolutely so. Oh Ji Young knows how to take care of herself, even if she doesn't have the best qualifications or background. She is a fighter and she doesn't put up with other people treating her or her loved one's poorly. This is probably due to the fact that she grew up surrounded by four men (who were adorable and so funny!). Hwa Jung was also a very strong female character. She fought so hard to help Hyun Joong save the company, and she had no problem letting them know when she disagreed with something they wanted to do.

And if two strong main female characters wasn't enough, we also have the President of Queen Salon, Ma Ae Ri. She was the epitome of strength and class. It's interesting, because most dramas would have done something entirely different with her character, made her into an evil villain who would stab everyone in the back so that she could win. But she was so kind, even if she didn't show it, and she loved her girls so much. I especially loved her relationship with Choon Ja, and even Choon Ja herself. She was more of a caricature than a real character, but that is what made her so great.

Character-wise, my only complaint would have to be Yoon. His character made absolutely zero sense. I never once understood him, or his motivations. His feelings for Oh Ji Young never once felt genuine, and his plans regarding Vivi were just nonsensical and contrary to what his endgame was. I was extremely disappointed that they wasted Lee Ki Woo on that role.

The story line was just flawless. It was neither extremely predictable nor too unpredictable. It managed to walk the fine line between the two with ease. I will admit that it did drag a little in the beginning, but once we get our team established and we have something root for, this drama really shines. The heart of this drama, I think, is that when people come together, there is nothing they can't achieve.

The music in this drama was really great! Though, there were songs in there that were done by the same band who did some of the songs from I Hear Your Voice, and they sounded very similar. So every time a song came on, I would have to war with myself to not stop and watch I Hear Your Voice for the 100th time.

I do want to mention, I had really expected this drama to be written by the same person who wrote King of Dramas. I was shocked when I saw that it was the same writer for Romance Town, a drama I really didn't enjoy. Thematically, the stories in MK and The King of Dramas were very similar. A boy who has wronged a girl in the past now needs her help to save himself and his dreams, while also trying to help her fulfill her own dreams. Trust issues abound, but they both pull you into their struggles and have you cheering at the TV for every win they get.

All in all, this is one of the better dramas of 2014, in my opinion. Maybe not the absolute best, but certainly in the top 10.

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Sep 27, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
Ok so I’m completely biased because I love Lee Sun Kyun.
This drama went a little all over the place and as I said above, if it wasn’t for LSK, I would have dropped the drama.
LSK didn’t have a stellar performance here but it was okay enough to carry me through.
The main plot (VIVI Cosmetics) wasn’t really that exciting but at least we had stakes; the rest was just some fluff fillers and side stories I did not really care about.
At least some of the characters were charming so that’s that but if I look back, I would not want to re-watch this drama.

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Dec 21, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Hidden gem! Don't look at the ratings.

I never expected to watch something about beauty competition (and like it...) and here I am rating this as perfect drama. Maybe it just hit all the right spots, maybe I am completely wrong but I still wish to share my review and help people to decide if this hidden gem is worth watching for you.

This drama was fantastic. The relationships, the progress, characters (main and sides), and their growth, just amazing. I did not expect this after seeing the ratings but reviews kinda balanced it soI just gave it a GO, especially for the casting. I enjoyed Lee Sun Kyun in almost everything I watched him in. I found Lee Yun Hee in The Package and since then it's been on and off for me but when it's on, it always hits my niche. And seeing Lee Sung Min in the cast pretty much sealed the deal for me. I still didn't expect to like it so much but I did.

The story was fantastic and had the balls to end things at the right time and move to other things. I love the last 4-5 episodes and how it tackled everything. I loved the ending for it was a proper ending. The main characters were fantastic together but also on their own. All of them strong and great people. The same approach was taken for side characters and even some side-side characters. The bad guys were pretty dislikeable with disgusting behavior. The story is set during MFI (financial crisis) in 1997 and you can see it's the effect on pretty much anybody and everything. For me, this was a new theme and the way it was portrayed through character motivations and actions was great. Still, some of the actions by the bad guys were absurd but I can forgive it.

Anyway, I hate to say things are overrated or underrated since it depends on more factors, site culture, audience, etc. but I believe Miss Korea is terribly underrated and it's a shame. It has such a low rating even though most of what I read about it is positive. Why is it so? I have no idea. It might be because of all these: name of the drama, time period, beauty competition and who knows what. Maybe it's because of those few scenes of overgrown high schoolers (even though they really tried to make ML look younger, haha. It's still a shame because I found this drama by coincidence in the rabble of low ratings and I tried it only because of the cast. The period and topic didn't get my attention, the name didn't help and the rating was a final tombstone. I am happy about this coincidence for this is something that hit all the great spots.

TL;DR: HIDDEN GEM. Don't look at the rating! Look at the cast, check reviews, don't be discouraged by the setting or beauty competition, and give it a try. I think it's much better than most things on this site.

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Apr 24, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
I do not have a lot of dramas in my 'Watched Already' list but of the ones I have watched, this was the best. Each and every episode made me sit at the chair's end, filling me up with so much anticipation, excitement and eagerness. I can guarantee you that boredom is not a word that can be used to describe this drama. Instead of the usual cliche love story, this has a new style of telling a story. It shows us that with hardwork anything be possible- let it be being Miss Korea, loving a thug or raising your company from bankruptcy. Also, since the drama being short, there is no dragging of the story. Even the actors and actresses acted really well. Its a shame that it has only a few views, but I am telling you for sure 'You won't ever regret watching this masterpiece'

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Apr 30, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

The little show that could

This drama shouldn't be called Miss Korea, it should be called simply "Heart", because it is overflowing with pure heart.
This is the little drama that could, at the time of its airing it was up against You from Another Star so it's understandable that it may have fallen through the cracks; However, from my research and what I've observed almost everyone who's taken the time to watch this drama has praised it and recommended it to other viewers, and that's how I found it.

The story appears simple at first, a woman enters a beauty pageant as the underdog of all underdogs; therein lies the little gems scattered throughout this drama. For example in episode 4 when Oh Ji Young is on stage at the Seoul preliminaries dancing with a broken heel, this is when I really started to care for our leading lady. Or the moment where it's revealed that even back in high school she picked Hyung Joon out of all the guys who were after her, and she still picks him ten years later, this is so heartwarming and adds an interesting layer to our female lead's character.
I especially love the way the drama unfolds small bittersweet moments without fanfare, no swelling music, no slow motion, just life in action.
The drama is a slice of life, focusing on how people take on life's challenges from day to day, triumphing over adversity.
It also shows the importance of loyalty, in family, romantic and business relationships.

The cast is just perfect for this drama. Each actor was perfectly cast for their role. Lee Yun Jee shines in her role as Oh Ji Young, she embodies the sweet, straightforward resilience of her character effortlessly., she was such a joy to watch, once she makes up her mind about something she is unwavering.
Lee Sun Kyun as Kim Hyung Joon is good , he portrayed the character's quiet pride and affable determination very well.
Director Ma Ae Ri was a standout performance by Lee Mi Sook, she is absolutely brilliant in this role. Director Ma is at once cold, calculating, kind, considerate, generous and morally upright. Lee Mis Sook played this character with amazing nuance.
Director Jang is a hoot! I would say she is the comic relief in the show, she's just earnest but misguided, very entertaining to watch.
Teacher Jung is played with a quiet, steady passion, for a thug he turned out to be very considered and multi-dimensional, I saw great character development with this role.
Oh Ji Young's family of mothering men and the rest of the Vivi team round of this amazing cast.

The music is atypical of a Kdrama, I enjoyed it because it sounded fresh, edgy and modern, which is kinda strange because the story is set in 1997. The music is spot on and I give it a full 10 out of 10.

Rewatch value for me is 8, simply because show had a scattering of beautiful moments which I would love to rewatch, the interactions between the characters are absolute gold.

Overall score is a 9, a wonderful drama, deserving of a whole lot more love and attention.

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Jay noona
1 people found this review helpful
May 6, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
OMG this drama collects the most provoking & biggest punch of scoundrels i've ever seen
i want to kill most of the characters ~.~ >_<
LOL don't misunderstand me it's very cute & nice drama really
but this is the first drama for me seeing in it that much of (!@#$^#$^#) characters that made my blood boiling
(Lee Yeon He) i hated her character so at the beginning i saw her bold till the limit of unashamed, weird
but the weird thing at the same time she is coward , she can't even reply who insulted or humiliated her the right replying or took her rights back , she is only being a real B**** till the contest ^^
(Lee Ki Woo) was a real AS**** he was the most scoundrel friend ever in this drama i want to pull him out of the screen & suffocate him
((manager park) was the most disgusting character for me literally he made my skin shudders from revulsion & (Kim Kang Shik) really his face provoked me sooooo , WTF for both
(Lee Sung Min) is the cutest & kindest gangster i've ever seen i was fond of his story more than the main couple
in general it was a very good story about insisting to succeed , sacrifices & true love ^_^

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  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 2,936 users)
  • Ranked: #7783
  • Popularity: #2007
  • Watchers: 8,453

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