by Badass Bunny, January 21, 2024

It’s been literal years, but I finally crawled out of my cave and I am ready to present you with more foreign books which would be awesome to see on Korean TV! Since years have passed since my last article with the same topic, let me say that I have read even more books, and I promise, this time my choices won’t be as cliché as before—at least I will try!
Shall we start?


If you know me here on MDL, you know that I am obsessed with Korean history, so it is not surprising that I love reading about certain historical periods, like the Joseon dynasty.
The book is set in 1758 and tells the romantic but also mysterious story of a palace maid who tries to save her friend and mentor from certain death due to false accusations. On her journey, she meets a handsome young investigator who is in charge of a case where multiple women were murdered.
The reasons why I picked this book are simple: it is already set in Korea, it has Korean characters, and the plot just fits the K-drama vibes! Plus, learning the actual history along with it is an amazing treat too. 

The author is famous for her historical books, so if this little blurb interests you, look into the author’s other works.


Do you believe in the thing called fate, or in soulmates? If so, then this book is just for you, and of course for the Korean market, since we have seen so many TV series where soulmates are a thing. Not long ago, I witnessed a comment saying how tiring it is to see main leads meeting in past lives only to be reunited in the present.
This book does not show past lives but it still managed to show the ‘fated-to-be-together’ trope!
So what is the book really about?
Natasha is a girl whose family is struggling, which results in a deportation notice. With only hours left, she decides to go out, and on her ordinary walk, she stumbles upon David, a boy who is neither a poet nor a dreamer, but for some reason he feels a certain connection with the beautiful girl he just met. Will the universe prove it’s magic and connect the two strangers, or will it remain stoic?


I know what you’re going to say, but I will just gently shake my head, because even though I know this has already been made into a movie, it happened in Japan, not Korea, so it can be on this list! As far as I know, The Mysterious Class was the Koreans' attempt to make it into a series, but it wasn’t anything serious, and the story looked very different compared to the book.
I recommend this book to all fans of old horror movies, where haunted schools were the epitome of hell. Don’t even try to argue on this one, because it is indeed true that in the past we had tons of horror movies set in high schools where one girl mysteriously died and started to haunt the school premises—as if the studying itself wasn’t haunting students enough.
The plot of this book, though, is very unique and doesn’t follow the typical ghost story I mentioned above. In this book, we meet Koichi, who just enrolled in a new school and thus a new class, which is not always great. Everyone seems normal, but not normal at the same time. Everyone is talkative, like teenagers usually are, but when it comes to this one girl, everyone stays silent—as if she was never in the class to begin with.


I wasn’t lying when I said that I love historical books, so here comes another one, which is also set in the Joseon dynasty.
This time we are transported to Joseon under King Yeon San’s reign, which means everything is terrible and it is better to leave the country, but of course the main heroine cannot just leave. The seventeen-year-old noblewoman may be living a life full of privilege, but that privilege does nothing to save her own sister from being taken by the tyrant king. Is Eul decides to drop her womanly duties and embark on a journey to save her sister from certain misfortune. Along the way, she meets the grand prince, Dae Hyeon, who decides to help Is Eul but also help the people that his half-brother, the king, is killing one by one.
The year 2023 was truly the year of adaptations, so I do not see any reason why this couldn’t also be adapted to screen because it is simply perfect. We once again have a Korean setting and Korean characters, and most importantly, I do feel that we need to see more representation of the dark times that Korea has faced during the Joseon dynasty. Nowadays, we have a lot of matchmaking historical series or guest house romances, but I crave historical dramas with real historical backgrounds, such as Red Sleeve or Queen for Seven Days. For many, including me, historical TV series provide educational content presented in an entertaining way.


Year after year, we get new TV series and movies with LGBT themes, and this article cannot go without it as well, so here I present to you one of the most beautiful books I have ever read: Under the Whispering Door.
It is a fantasy romance that tells the story of a ‘fresh’ ghost, Wallace, who died young and is not really ready to let go of his earthly life and possessions. On his journey to the afterlife, he walks into a seemingly normal tea shop, where he meets Hugo, the doorkeeper.
What made me cry about this book is not any horror aspect, because there is none. This is not some gruesome story that would make you cry through the night; instead, it tells a story about life and its hardships. It shows you a different perspective on life and its funny and not funny ways of playing with people. Yes, there is romance, but the main focus is on acceptance and finding your true self, even if it’s after death.
We already have similar TV series, such as Move to Heaven or Missing: The Other Side, but they heavily focus on solving the issues the deceased had or are trying to solve their murders. This book has none of that. It is simply about enjoying good tea and contemplating one's life.

Dear reader, 

If you have reached the end of the article, congratulations! I hope that the titles I have chosen are to your liking, and if you have read the books, do tell me how you liked them! If, by chance, you haven't read the books, I hope I picked up your interest and made you discover new gems. 

If you feel like I haven't listed enough options, I would be thrilled to read your book recommendations. Now, shall we meet each other in Part 3? 

PS: What is your dream cast if some of the books above get adapted into TV series?

Edited by: devitto (1st editor)