Read at your own risk!

Spoilers ahead! Updated story of Jang Kang upto episode-11. So Jang Kang has his own story here - 

• First he masters alchemy of souls, finds the icestone, and uses it to shift souls with the late king (on king's orders) gets betrayed and his wife gives birth to the child on the day of king's star. He blocks UK's energy gate, tells everyone that Uk is not his child, blames his wife having an affair. Jang Kang also abandoned Uk and vanishes for decades

• Jang Kang next has some sad moment with Naksu's father. He cried over Naksu's father's dead body like he caused the person's death! Tells no one or maybe it's yet to be revealed

• Jang Kang being the Gwanju leaves Songrim suddenly without telling anyone just like that. Even keeps secret from his friend Park Jin

• Lady Jin who was 13 months pregnant with her eldest daughter Jin Buyeon goes to Jang Kang to help save her child. Jang Kang uses the ice stone to save the child knowing it's sorcery again! The child is born blind and goes missing bringing more pain to Lady Jin for a long time!

Is Jang Kang being too kind? Or he's being too foolish? Or he knows what might happen? Or he plans to comeback strong to find an end to the mess he has created? Did he seal back the ice stone after using it? And Jin Buyeon found it in the Lake with JinMu?

JANG KANG a strange guy, who is one of the most powerful mage. Also has his own reasons for causing so much chaos which is to be revealed soon....

Happy Watching! :)

A few days ago I posted a timeline theory (and purpose was to show connection between the destinies of Jang Uk and Jin By Yeon), but this is brief timeline (before watching Ep. 11)

20-21 years ago:

Jang Kang was a “genius mage”.  For one year, he “did not come home.”   (it’s not clear if he was away from home during that time or simply practicing spells)

He unsealed the ice stone.  He practiced spells with Jin Mu in the Secret Room

After his failure with “Geom”, Jang Kang told Jin Mu he was stopping, but was ordered by King Go Seong to do a soul swap.

Do-Wha became pregnant (according to Do-joo, he stopped at this point). 

Jang Uk was born “with the Kings Star”.  A child born when that star appears will have “the energy of the Kings Star”.  The Kings Star only reveals itself when the sky is filled w/the energy of the Daeho waters. It appeared on April 1st of year One of the King Go Soon regime.

Jin Bu-yeon was born.   We do not know her birthdate or what her constellation plate might reflect.

Jang Kang sealed the ice stone, sealed Jang Uk’s energy gate and fled.

After watching Ep. 11, we need to re-examine the timeline - most of it was previously provided by Jin Mu talking to the Queen.  

The BIG question now is:  WHEN did Jang Kang unseal the ice stone?  Was the 1st time when Ho-Gyeong asked for his help? She "heard" that the ice stone has the power to bring back the soul of the dead. - did she hand over the ice stone in order to save her baby?  OR, was Jang Kang already practicing with the ice stone when she came to him.  Regardless, we now know that Jin Bu-yeon's fate was "twisted" by the alchemy of souls - just as Jang Uk's fate was twisted.  

Great analysis! Yes this is his story!