Vacationer: a person who is on holiday away from where they usually live 

Wabbit  no not the silly one!  It’s a Scottish term for feeling exhausted. 

“I feel wabbit after that two hour swim.” 


Yaffle: an European woodpecker, Picus viridis, with a dull green back and wings and a red crown 

Zicornia: zirconium dioxide, a white solid used in ceramic glazes and refractory coatings, and as a synthetic substitute for diamonds in jewelry

Blabbermouth: a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people

Doctrinaire - strictly following a theory in all circumstances, even if there are practical problems or disagreement

Fictile -  made of earth or clay by a potter.

  • relating to pottery or its manufacture.

  • capable of being molded; plastic.

Horsemanship: the skill of riding horses; equitation

Insobriety - the state of being drunk