Magnanimous- noble and generous in spirit


Someone's nemesis is a person or thing that is very difficult for them to defeat.

Pestilence - a fatal epidemic disease

Reliquary      A  small box or shrine used to hold relics.

Tantamount - equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as.

"the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt"

Vacationer: a person who is on holiday away from where they usually live

Wabbit  no not the silly one!  It’s a Scottish term for feeling exhausted.  

Xiphoid - sword-shaped

*Wabbit  no not the silly one!  It’s a Scottish term for feeling exhausted* 

This answer has been plagiarized. 

As was reliquary. What is the point of this if the same words are being rehashed? 

yips.   a nervous  state in golf causing a player to miss an easy putt. 


Xiphoid - sword-shaped 

Yaffle: an European woodpecker, Picus viridis, with a dull green back and wings and a red crown  

Zicornia: zirconium dioxide, a white solid used in ceramic glazes and refractory coatings, and as a synthetic substitute for diamonds in jewelry