Xenodocheionology  a love of hotels

Yarborough - (in bridge or whist) a hand with no card above a nine.

Some players try to invoke the “rule” that if they receive a yarborough, they can throw in the hand and declare a misdeal.

Zonk:  to go to sleep or be asleep. Often used with out; 

Abigail  A lady’s maid!  

Bolide - a large meteor which explodes in the atmosphere

Constriction: the process of becoming tighter and narrower, or something that makes you feel that this is happening;

a limit, or the process of limiting or controlling something or someone.

Dirk - is a long bladed thrusting dagger.

Egregious- Used to describe something that is obviously very bad or shocking. 

Fictile -  made of earth or clay by a potter.

Galumph - move in a clumsy, ponderous, or noisy manner.

"she galumphed along beside him"

Haecceity - the status of being an individual or a particular nature INDIVIDUALITY, SPECIFICITY, THISNESS 

Jacklight: a light used as a lure in night hunting or fishing

la volta        a lively bouncy dance for two persons. 

She  lost her shoe while doing the volta with John Travolta.