gets back two live frogs *inserts Inuyasha*
gets a car *inserts an expensive dress*
gets a prom *inserts bigbang*
gets G. Dragon *inserts happiness*
Gets candy. *inserts a book*
Gets a library *inserts an eyeball*
Gets a pirate. *inserts a teddy bear*
Gets a real wild bear *inserts a bottle of shampoo*
Gets a wig. *inserts a nail*
Receives wellingtons, a blue rain jacket, a yellow rain hat and marmalade sandwiches. *inserts a piece of old blue bubble gum*
Gets a bubble gum flavored toothpaste. *inserts a half eaten burger*
Receives a pile of rubbish. *Inserts a tooth*
Gets an orthodontist. *inserts a ruby*
gets a man *inserts a house*
Gets a bill. *inserts a can of coke*