There was a previous thread about whether reviews influence your choice to watch a drama. It got me thinking...what really causes you to watch a drama? Is it the synopsis? The promotional pictures? Popularity? The actors? If it is because of the actors, why? Their looks? Acting skills? Previous dramas they've been in?

For me, I started by watching dramas that were popular. After a little while, I chose dramas from actors who I thought chose interesting parts. The synopsis is probably my next consideration. Lastly, sometimes I just pick a drama because the promotional pictures look cool or because one or more of the actors are hot, hehehe (~^~。)

What about you?
Love this topic. For me, it's mostly the story line, and then I watch the first episode and if it interests me I continue on. Another thing that makes me watch a drama or a movie, is if one of my favorite actors are in it. If they are, i watch a bit of it and if it interests me, I continue and finish it, if not then I just dont.
in the beginning, i saw all the dramas that were DC's most famous list... i like to read reviews.. if i really wanted to watch a drama i go by reviews and cast... there were few times where i watched a drama because i liked some actor.. when i want to enjoy EYE CANDY "blush .. then i want to watch HYUN bin :P or some hawt looking hunk with some abbs or pretty ladies... dont matter.. but mostly i like to watch drama with a good story line and acting... :)
I have to admit, I kinda choose dramas randomly. The storyline synopsis can be helpful, but I've seen many that don't really tell the full story. My favorite dramas have lots of twists and turns, so maybe I see more of these than the average drama addict. Anyway, I try to watch at least two episodes before I decide to move on to another one. It lets the story flesh out a little, and I can see the writing style and methods of acting.
it is right... i am afraid to take the risk ... i have a certain net limit. if i decide to watch ANY drama but regret later on or find it boring or silly there is nothing i can do about my net usage.. so when i decide to watch a drama i want to be atleast worth the net usage .. dont want to waste it lolz
Ooo Sugar, that does make it a more difficult decision, hehe. Can you think of any you've ever regretted?
Mostly I pick a drama to watch by its synopsis. If it is interesting, I watch it. However, sometimes the synopsis may seem to be compelling but when you actually start watching the drama, you'll find it boring. That often happens to me.
Then I also pick dramas by their popularity. If a drama is being talked about a lot, I check it out.
I seldom refer to reviews because different people have different opinions so it is not necessary that I'd like a drama which is liked by someone else and in the same way, it is not necessary I'd hate a drama which is hated by someone else.
Hmmmm....I watch dramas based on my mood :D

Sometimes I pick by the actors/actresses, sometimes by the plot, sometimes by the ratings. And I usually watch (= put to my plan to watch list) every drama that someone recommends to me.
there are several factors that will make me interested in a drama. for me it's the popular actors in it 1st. if it has an actor from arashi or shun oguri u best believe i will be watching. :D 2nd is the genre. i love comedies so if the word on the street is this drama is funny i will check it out. i also like cop/suspense dramas. but all that aside i will only keep watching a drama for 2 reason despite all that i have said above- the drama must have a good story and good acting. i have put on hold/ dropped dramas with some of the most popular and some of my favorite actors because the story sucked or the acting by the overall cast sucked.
bibitte wrote: Mostly I pick a drama to watch by its synopsis. If it is interesting, I watch it. However, sometimes the synopsis may seem to be compelling but when you actually start watching the drama, you'll find it boring. That often happens to me.

using the synopsis has had the reverse effect on me which is why i don't use them too often. i have found that the synopsis rarely ever does a drama justice. i decided not to watch several dramas including maou, majo saiban and smile, among other based on the synopsis only to give in, watch the drama and discover that it is awesome. lol if i relied on the synopsis i probably wouldn't be a drama addict.
CatsEatHumans wrote: for me it's the popular actors in it 1st. if it has an actor from arashi or shun oguri u best believe i will be watching. :D

Why do you watch dramas with these actors? Looks? Skill? Personality?

I've follow certain actors because I like the type of characters they usually play or if I find that they are usually in dramas I like, even if I don't particularly like the actor him/herself.
i like arashi period. i think most of the members are talented actors and all the members are cute. and i like their music. i won't say i've watched everything that they have done but those that i have seen i have enjoyed. shun oguri is very talented, he is good looking but to me his skills supersede his looks. :D i am 100% a fan girl. lol. the thing about these actors is they do a variety roles and they are skillful enough that each role/character is different from the last and u don't see the actors personality in the characters that they play. but that is just my opinion.
I stumbled upon my first drama on Hulu. My Name is Kim Sam Soon. It was purely because it seemed so different from what I had been it was a romance which I am a sucker for. After it was over I immediately thought..."Where can I get more of that?" and scoured the internet for more. Now, a year and a half and about 50 plus dramas later... My addiction is in full swing and my reasons are much more varied. The biggest influence is the actor or actress. Then the synopsis, the genre and then other Drama buff's reviews and recommendations. After delving into the drama world and discovering respected bloggers and sights; if I respect the opinion of the reviewer I will watch that drama. My tastes have widened to encompass not only romance but almost all genres across the board. The main criteria now is simply the quality of the story and the acting.
I don't like to read reviews before I watch a drama so they have no influence on what I watch. What makes me watch a drama? Hmmmm If something in the synopsis catches my eye, sometimes if a certain cast member is in it. Things that heavily influence why I watch something are the trailers..and this may sound weird,but I make snap decisions based on things like posters/DVD art. Same goes with books, sometimes I decide to read/watch something before I even read the synopsis. If the artwork catches my eye, I will give it a try, it works the other way too. I have seen some cover art/ movie and drama posters, and thought "Ew That's not appealing, it's going in my trash pile" XD
Sometimes I watch a drama because the synopsis caught my attention, so it gets me interested in it. Sometimes it's a combination of synopsis and the poster (I have to admit historical dramas have some awesome posters, even if the drama later turns out into something that I'm just not interested in. I have to watch it as soon as I see the poster...Aigoo). Other times is the cast. PS: I just totally noticed this was in Japanese dramas, my comment about the posters don't apply to Japan because I've never seen a Japanese period drama. But that will change as soon as the Taiga drama my Shota-kun is in gets subbed. Should I ask Skye to change this to the general Asia forum? *He is gonna start ignoring my PMs if I keep asking him to do*