well for me i got really hooked on k dramas at first. the romance was really strong and emotional at times and i really loved them "feels" that korean dramas can bring out in you, for me it was the music it was like crack to my ears but after watching a few Korean dramas and absolutely loving them (secret garden, 49 days, baker king kim tak goo, can you hear my heart) i noticed that "most" korean dramas were pretty much the same, same style, same type of plots, same cliches, i started having a hard time not dropping k dramas left and right mainly because i just got bored and i found them not as good as the really high rated ones i first watched, there are good bits in k dramas but you have to sit through alot of boring dialogue to get to them (this is only in the typical k drama) when a k drama completely takes u away its something special but when it doesn't it can get boring real fast, kdramas seem to use the same characters over and over (the hot guy that looks like a model and wears the latest fashion thats rich) so in closing i do prefer J drama though im still searching for that k drama to sweep me off my feet because i know when a k drama is good its GOOD as for Jdrama i love the variety it has compared to k drama, every story is different its not rich guy and poor girl every drama, you never know what to expect, every jdrama is like a new adventure u haven't seen before it has alot of originality and the story is always moving forward compared to k drama where it can be 5 episodes of misunderstandings, j drama is very realistic so its easy to relate to for me, it has alot of life lessons that make me even reflect on my own life and want to become a better person, the realism is really raw and in our world compared to k drama, its shorter and doesn't test your patience as much and gets to the point, well thats my 2 cents both have great titles in each if you can find them :)
I appreciate Korean and Japanese dramas for different reasons. Japanese acting can be overdone (depending on the genre) but so can kdramas. The Japanese actors and actresses can look more "diverse" (reflects Japanese fashion/beauty/societal norms) as compared to the more standard form of beauty in Korea which ends up onscreen. Also, Korean dramas tend to have better cinematography quality. Even the old kdramas from back in the 90’s are way better in visual quality compared to jdramas from the early 2000s (too grainy and dull colors). After many years of Asian drama watching, I prefer jdramas at this point in my life. Kdramas are too long and predictable for me. And I do not have the patience to sit through 18+ hours of unecessary twists and turns to get a conclusion. I prefer the quirky offbeat nature of Japanese dramas and lack of focus on romance.
I don't really have a preference even though I've watched more korean stuff. I'm not gonna lie; korean people are more appealing to me. I was a huge fan of western stuff before (and still am, but I'm not into it now as much as I was back then) and korean dramas and movies are closer to the western culture (cinematography, acting.) than the japanese ones. I'm also a fan of k-pop (see avatar haha) and at the end of the day I'm just more enticed to watch korean dramas. That's pretty much it as for why there are more korean dramas on my drama list.
Korean dramas are great and somewhat addictive but they lack originality. If you watch a bunch of dramas of the same genre (and I'm going with the easy one here, romantic comedy), while the plot may not be the same, the plot twists give a feeling of déjà-vu. The only thing that makes it up for that is the cast (and therefore the couple's chemistry).
Japanese ones on the other hand, obviously have their flaws (the acting that comes off as overdone if you're not used to it and the cinematography is quite plain.) but they offer such a variety of choice and each japanese drama is unique in a way. They get risky and deep. You'll never get a Majo no Jouken or LIFE type of drama in Korea. If there is though, I'd bet it's not as greatly executed as the japanese one.
And obviously, the japanese dramas' biggest asset, their length. 40-50 minutes an episode on a 8-11 ep format is the best for any drama. Korean dramas need to sit down and realize that unnecessary and boring storylines/scenes really are unnecessary and boring.
Japanese dramas have varied genres and have a unique approach.. one may not predict the ending of some drama because of the twists at the end... it may also be patterned from anime/manga. Japanese actors and actresses can actually pull a manga-ish/anime-ish acting that is funny yet lovable...though sometimes they tend to bring about some serious stuffs which are close to reality...plus the episodes are just short so i don't get bored watching them due to the fast-paced events.... Korean dramas on the other hand are also very good. Most of the time, the reason why i love to watch Kdramas are because of the cute plot and the actors/actresses who are real eye candies....most of the dramas are also about romance which i love the most.... another thing which i love (very much) are historical romances... they can really show us a taste of their history and tradition.... right now, i do watch both Jdramas and Kdramas <3
When I say Koreans Vs. Japanese, I'm talking generally here. Its country, people, industries like dramas, anime, music, etc, I seriously mean ALL ^.^ Who's the best when it comes to Dramas? Do you love Koreans or Japanese more? I'm still new new here in MDL and I'm having a really good time. I don't know if you can notice this post but Arigato :) PS. Btw, I love both but prefer Japanese more. I love anime, ,manga, Jdoramas, and Jmusics VERY MUCH ^^ and I'm just asking for your opinions.
There are many factors involved here but I will mention the 2 that makes ME prefer Jdramas more:

1) The pacing. Faster pacing = More dramas per week. With my lifestyle, I usually only have 2-3 hours a day for watching so this is a plus.

2) I am more familiar with the Japanese culture and quirks. A good example of this is when Yankumi starts to address people with "teme" or when they make references to the Bosozoku stereotype.

My answers are very subjective but they are the reason why I pick Japanese drama over Korean drama.
J drama win it all, except the romantic part, korean are more romantic Kdrama have a big budget drama in comparison with japanese ones, but the japanese are more diversified, more well written, cliché-free, and faster pace (shorter than 12 episode for 95 % of jdrama)
seriously you cant judge between them, if i am in mood to watch crime or detective related shows i prefer jap shows and for romantic comedy i prefer korean. And i think jap drama even though they are not high scale shows but the feelings and emotions they display through acting and writing touches heart and yeah they are not draggy like kdrama ;).
I started 'I need a romance' and gonna start 'Age of feelings'. I can't concentrate on dramas now a days, lets see if i can finish these two.
Hmm, for me it depends on my mood. Generally, Japanese dramas are more realistic and to the point. Korean ones are often more cliché ridden but also more romantic and have a happy-ending kind of feeling. Music wise I like both countries. Same goes for culture and language.
soumatra2 wrote: J drama win it all, except the romantic part, korean are more romantic
Kdrama have a big budget drama in comparison with japanese ones, but the japanese are more diversified, more well written, cliché-free, and faster pace (shorter than 12 episode for 95 % of jdrama)

Japanese dramas cliche free? You sure about that? LOL
She's not saying that Jdramas are cliche free. She's just saying that Kdramas have more cliche on them. Haven't watched that many Kdramas to really compare in that aspect.
I have to go with Japanese <3 I haven't really looked at Korean anything so my answer is a bit subjective but I love the Japanese culture and the language is beautiful and the dramas are all wonderful and the music is great and <3
Judo_Aniki wrote: She's not saying that Jdramas are cliche free. She's just saying that Kdramas have more cliche on them.

Haven't watched that many Kdramas to really compare in that aspect.

"but the japanese are more diversified, more well written, cliché-free,"

I think that's exactly what he said? But yeah I agree otherwise since I prefer J-drama more.