Hi all! Recently I've wondered about something and it is if watching many dramas is bad for your health. I mean sometimes when you're watching a great/sad drama, you get emotionally involved. If it is sad you'll be sad too if it's happy you'll be happy too (Depends on your taste). Personally, I'm watching many sad and touching dramas/movies so that's why I'm wondering. This is a very interesting subject to discuss imo and please say your opinion about this. So, watching too many dramas, is it bad for health? What do you think? :D
that's right. I get emotionally involved many times. that's not good for health & personality
lordsky wrote: that's right. I get emotionally involved many times. that's not good for health & personality

Why do you keep watching dramas then? I'm seriously thinking about to stop watching if that's the case.
I actually think thats good! Being touched is something that helps you showing feelings... I mean I don't cry often when others would see but while watching Dramas's I just cry :)) It also deals with many emotions that make you thing about life and help you having a better thought of life (as for me) :))
Hahaha interesting.. Hmm I think it can be bad for your health in some other ways. For example (my example ahaha) when I watch drama I'm in my bed all day with my laptop, I only get out of it to look for food (that I'll eat back in my bed) or to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I stay in my bed for hours or even days :O I watch drama so I just lay in my bed, not exercising, eating bad food like pizza, snacks, chocolates, sandwiches, biscuits and so on. I'm in my bed but I don't sleep much and I go through many different emotions so it's quite tiring but still no sleep. Plus, watching dramas takes over my sleeping time even when I have to work the day after so YES I think it can be bad for your health if you don't pay attention. Fortunately in my case I still have a social life(hahaha) so I'm not in front of my screen 24/7. I've watched about 40 dramas since the beginning of 2013 but I'm doing fine. The thing's is to find your balance :D About the fact that the emotions you feel'd "damage" your health I don't think so. Crying in front of a touching scene is not someting you have to worry about. Some scenes or even stories make you reflect on some points of views or feelings you didn't have before or maybe had before and you're compassionate. Crying, laughing, getting angry and feeling other emotions is normal when you watch a drama or a movie. Sometimes your mood'll be down after your favourite character died or something but it won't affect your health such as having a depression. When I cry after I feel better even if I didn't cry for myself. Aigoo English isn't my first language so it's hard for me to find the proper words Hope you got what I meant hahaha I think it depends of the people, though. I took myself as an example here. *thanks for reading, greetings you all from my bed*
Mo-chan wrote: *thanks for reading, greetings you all from my bed*

Haha xD made my day! Thanks :DDD and greetings back xD
I agree with PinkyPie and Mo-chan! Emotionally, I think dramas can be very therapeutic! Especially when going through tough times in your life, it can really help to have a drama that speaks to whatever you are going through, or even a drama that can help you escape your troubles, if even momentarily! But then you do have the other side that watching TV of any sort tends to be unhealthy physically. Unless you are actually exercising or doing something physical while watching them :)
I know what you all are trying to say but I don't agree that dramas help you in real life because many dramas are unrealistic and some of the characters meet again 20 years later which is totally BULLSHIT :P
I agree that they can be therapeutic due to the emotions you feel while watching them, unless you watch too much of the same kind.. that can make you tired. I think the main health risk is the lack of physical activity while watching. /that can lead to body aches and back problems. That's why I try not to sit down and watch for more than twenty to thirty minutes at a time. I pause frequently to get up and move around. :)
Studies have shown that the risk of health problems rises with the amount of time an individual spends watching television. Watching too much TV can increase the likelihood of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease. When the body remains inactive in a position such as sitting on the couch, the heart and lungs work less to pump enough blood through the system. Prolonged periods of inactivity weaken the heart and also allow cholesterol and other harmful substances to build up in the arteries.

When the heart pumps more slowly, less blood is delivered to the body. Substances such as fat and cholesterol build up in the arteries, making an individual more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. When this occurs in young children whose bodies are still growing, it can be particularly dangerous.

Watching too much TV also exposes individuals to a world in which perfection is valued above all else. Unrealistic standards can be established and nurtured by television, and without a break into the real world, self-esteem, particularly that of children, can be severely damaged. With a constantly reinforced image of a world with thin and flawless celebrities, health problems such as anorexia or obsession with self-image can be created and made worse by a vicious circle of inactivity and obesity in front of the television.
- u know Korea and plastic surgery, small faces, being extremely thin like Yoona(SNSD) with no women forms.
Lol sry 4 u who likes Yoona. ^^

Rascal wrote: I know what you all are trying to say but I don't agree that dramas help you in real life because many dramas are unrealistic and some of the characters meet again 20 years later which is totally BULLSHIT :P

I agree. Lol how in the world does dramas help u. I would rather say if u spent too much time watching a drama every day u could get depressed, anxiety disorder, afraid of the outside. 4 gods sake u could get STUCK 4 ever.
Dramas can ruin your social life 2 kiddoes. ;)
it's not a physical problem for me since I exercise. But it may hurt someone inside if you get emotionally involved (Just a guess/opinon).
i can't help it. i love drama. but i avoid sad drama it effects me badly , just watch comedy & romance . it's addiction :(