Picky: You don't watch any dramas/movies you stumble into. You're very cautious with your choices; you read reviews, ask friends for recommendations, you never watch low rated dramas/movies. You only choose what highly interest you and therefore most of your ratings are high with many 10's and rarely below 7 or 6.

Cheap: You watch anything even if it seems slightly interesting to you. You rarely read reviews and you don't care about how much people hated the drama/movie if you want to give it a go. Recommendations aren't something you're very interested in either. However, you're tough with your ratings with few 10's and many below 6.

Both: You choose what to watch carefully and you're not generous with your ratings.

I think I belong to the "Both" category; I choose what to watch carefully but sometimes I don't care about people opinions and just watch anything that I think it's slightly interesting. I am also cheap with only three 10's for dramas and one 10 for a movie and many below 6. But lately, I think I lost some of my picky side.
I'm probably a little of both, but a little more picky. If a drama sparks my interest I tend to hover around the page of that drama for about two weeks as I contemplate whether I should start it or not. I'll look at the reviews, some pictures, and comments. The majority of my ratings are 6 or above and I usually just drop dramas that are below 6. I think that lately I've had more of the cheap attitude because I've been starting a lot of dramas recently on a whim.
I should have read the definitions before I voted. I thought the question was in reference to life in general and so that's how I voted. In life I'm quite picky, but not very cheap. I like the finer things, and try to work hard to earn the money to buy them! :) When it comes to drama, though, I'd say I'm definitely both. I have a pretty clear idea of what I like & don't like and so that can make me picky, but with that said even I get tired of my own preferences from time to time so I'm open to try new things. One thing for sure, I always watch what I want to watch, no matter how popular or unpopular it may be. The opinions of my friends are important to me, and I'll always have what they say in the back of my mind, but at the end of it my own opinion is queen. As for ratings, mine tends to be negatively skewed, meaning I'm likely to rate a drama/movie down if it doesn't fulfill all my requirements rather than rate it up based on a few. As such only a few shows/movies get 10s from me. Sometimes on second viewing that rating may be reduced to 9.
I tend to be picky with what to watch but I avoid reading reviews as much as possible. I get curious over a drama that's talked about and watch to see if it's worth the hype but sometimes avoid it for fear of aversion. I think life's too short just to watch any drama or movie that comes my way and would rather watch the ones that interest me first than waste my time randomly nitpicking on ones that don't.

I give scores 8-10 for most of the dramas/movies on my list not because I only watch my type of dramas but because I rate from the 10-down. So even if I watch something from a genre that I don't usually watch, I tend to rate it that way. I think that 7 is already mediocre and 6 is already too low.
i don't really ponder the material beforehand, i just watch because i want to be entertained. in a sense, i'm as cheap as a harlot, but luckily i haven't ran into anything completely awful. if i'm not enjoying the show, i drop it no hard feelings, it's just not for me.
I'm always picky. I only watch dramas that are worth my time and I always read reviews first. Sometimes, I only watch the drama based on its ratings (if it's high or not). However, there are times that I'm cheap, but it's usually for Asian Movies. I tend to not read the story line and be like, "ah, I'm gonna watch this because the title and the promotional poster looks good" without even thinking twice. Sometimes I don't care if it has a low rating. I mean, people have different preferences. I might even like that drama/movie that no one loves XD
I think people who are picky also have scandalous on hold and dropped list ;) Just an observation!
Oh no, I clicked the wrong one! I clicked "cheap" but meant "picky". sorry. I fall under "picky" more because of the scores I give (mostly 7+). Also, I take other's recommendations into account a lot. However, I do watch low rated dramas/movies if the plot is interesting, I like the cast, a clip of it catches my interest, or if there is a good review. I don't pay much attention to the average rating of a drama/movie unless it's an extreme, like <6 or a high 8 and above.
I'm cheep when it comes to ratings. On the other hand I carefully read comments and reviews but at the same time I'm willing to give almost everything a chance.
I think I'm more of a Cheap and sometimes both :D Sometimes I read the reviews, but I just read it to see people's opinion. If it looks interesting to me, I'll watch it. Most of the dramas I like are Historical, romance, action/adventure. but sometimes if it's rom-com horror(Like master's sun) then I'll watch that too ^-^
I'm both, but a little more leaning towards the 'picky' side. I read tons of reviews on mdl and I check ratings on various sites to cross reference. It'll take me FOREVER to finally decide on a drama. However, there are certain storylines I like, so when I find one, I'll watch it even though the ratings/reviews might be bad.
I am picky, I observe the drama carefully before starting it and I am not tough with my ratings. The "Picky" definition you gave applies on me almost perfectly.
I'm both but more over the picky side. I wouldnt watch a low rated drama, But sometimes I randomly watch a drama without knowing anything about it
I am without doubt cheap.
I am picky but sometimes I become cheap.