Japanese >> Korean >> Chinese Because I love Japanese dramas, Japanese foods, and Japanese man (my bf is Japanese, anyway..lol)
Interesting topic :D I'm Chinese (female) and I'm more familiar with Chinese (Hong Kong) actors however since I've discovered Japanese and Korean entertainment I definitely find Korean actors more attractive, followed by Japanese and lastly Chinese. I don't find Chinese actors attractive anymore Tony Leung being the only exception :P
Thats a very honest answerrr, since you are Chinese. I am only talking about females, but I would rank chinese ahead of japanese when it comes to females.
RoyalFalcon wrote: Thats a very honest answerrr, since you are Chinese. I am only talking about females, but I would rank chinese ahead of japanese when it comes to females.

Yes it was an honest answer :D That's nice to hear you find Chinese female actresses more attractive than Japanese.
I guess I think Korean actresses are the most attractive. I don't know what it is maybe it's just some of the facial features that i find more attractive. Especially the eyes and nose just looks so cute. But I also like the fact that a lot of the Chinese/Japanese, and Korean women are just so petite. But I like how tampopo brought up plastic surgery we really don't know some of these actresses would really look without surgery. I should also add that i never been to any of these countries so I have no idea what normal people look like (aside from the people of east asian descent that live where I live). I guess these are the actresses I find most attractive Korean- Go Joon Hee/Moon Geun Young, Chinese- Li Bingbing, Japanese- Haruka Ayase/ Sawajiri Erika/ Shida Mirai. But I must say I do have a very very unhealthy attraction to Mirai Shida.
Japanese men in their late 20s and their 30s are most attractive.....But Koreans have them beat when it comes to younger Flower/Cutesy boys, Chinese is kinda in the middle for me they're either really good looking or just not so much.
Beauty wise, I think Koreans can catch the eyes more than the other two countries but I find the Japanese beauty very natural unlike the Korean where there's 80% chance that they're made from plastic surgeries. Chinese have their own thing too; there are some great eyacandies but mostly in Taiwan.
Japanese girls are so kawaii, oni-chan! Just kidding. Honestly, it depends on the actress. I think the cutest actresses (collectively) I have seen are Taiwanese. My personal favorites are Korean (Yoon Jin Yi, Han Ji Min, Wang Ji Hye, Kim Yoo Ri) but so much of it has to do with the character they are portraying. I am attracted to the emotion and the characters as much as the appearance, so if you're lacking that, you're lacking attraction..
in dramas: korean are more romantic, japanese are quick and fun and chinese are long and deep in feelings. actors: korean are sexy and cute, japanese are androgynous and extremely beautiful and chinese are more manly. and in music: K is for pop, J is for rock and M (or C) is for ballads.
I just was recently introduced to the the horrors of Korean plastic surgery. So the concept of natural beauty just doesn't exist in Korea I guess.
It depends on the actor or actress for me, not the ethnicity. I am not trying to be holier than thou. It really is just something I discovered over time. Three of the actors I find most attractive are Matsuda Shota, So Ji Sub and Roy Chu. One from each. Although I have to admit, my list of Kactors is longer.
I find Chinese most attractive. But being Korean...I tend to look at and follow more Koreans. Females...It seems like there are so many beautiful Chinese women. Can I say they all are? heh Seems like anyway.
rainecat wrote: I find Chinese most attractive. But being Korean...I tend to look at and follow more Koreans.

Females...It seems like there are so many beautiful Chinese women. Can I say they all are? heh Seems like anyway.

I have only watched one Chinese drama so far (Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei) but I thought Liu Cecilia was exceptionally pretty. I think threads like this are difficult for people like me that only have limited exposure to the different cultures - it's all opinion anyways, there are stunning women and men from every single corner of the planet.
I much prefer Japanese dramas. The series are shorter in length and episodes and I can watch more than I can in Korean Dramas. I think Korean dramas tend to drag too much! I've not watched any Chinese Dramas.
i prefer korean drama but i like japanese humor so i watch them both often. im not fond of chinese dramas - i was forced to watch Fabulous Boys to complete the set -but not bad though and surprisingly it is a bit better than the original.