I just finished this, barely... It's a tragedy that in any given society that this type of crap happens, and it is just overlooked, even here in America the system isn't set up to protect or help the children, it's for the criminals. I think that it doesn't matter what country, all laws regarding child abuse be it sexual or physical needs to be re-examined and re-written. Anyone who has the nerve to do what was done to these kids, and many more round the world, should either be sent to prison for the rest of their natural days without the posibility of parole, or be put through the same exact thing they did to their victims. That may be harsh, but the scars left on children who have been abused in any way shape or form last forever, and in a lot of cases the behavior tends to be repeated by the victim.. It's awful, sad, and disturbing, but it's something that all societies need to take a really long hard look at, and instead of making it something shameful to the victim, or overlooked, bring real justice...