Anyone else feel like they have no one to share their love/passion of k-dramas?

That's why most of us find ourselves on this site. 
lol forever alone.. thank goodness for the internet xD
This is very true. Though my mother does get pretty angry when I tell her about a great drama/movie I'm watching and she realizes that it isn't in English. I think she could be a total K-drama lover if it wasn't for the fact that she has to multi-task while watching TV.
I have friends that do, but none of my family. My parents think it's a source of evil because I spend so much time watching them.... :(
agreed. my sister refers to my beautiful dramas as 'Asian porn' or when she's feeling generous 'corny soap operas' ACAscuse me disrespectful ungrateful sister who has no respect for true art or life in general? Did you just openly insult the greatest use of internet and television in one fell swoop? you bring me dishonor! dishonor to my family. dishonor to my ancestors. dishonor to my cow. I mean she basically just did the equivalent of spitting in an addicts cocaine batch.
Two people in my family never watched Asian dramas. 
1. My dear husband - he says if he starts he is afraid of getting addicted
2. My mom - She would watch it if she did not have to read captions instead had the dramas dubbed. 
They both think I'm addicted to Asian dramas and yes, they are absolutely right! I don't even need cable or tv satellite to watch anymore. All I watch is Asian dramas on the net and i'm proud of it LOL 
Yeah. I wish my best friend was into them so we could discuss, but she doesn't get it.
Nope no friends that watch and love k drama as I do. K dramas is a good way to keep me happy and stay sane lol.
Same here... Kdramas make me jump into imaginary world. I feel like Alice in Wonderland - for me real life is one world and all Asian dramas another. Watching dramas not only make me to escape into another world, they help me to relax but also are great entertainment. As for sanity LOL, Asian dramas became my rehabilitation ;)
I call it "It's OK, It's Drama" world. LOL 
Yep, I'm the only person I know who watches dramas. It can get kind of depressing at times. I often times hear my sisters talking about some tv show that they are both into and feel left out in the sense that I have no one to talk to about all things drama :( But I don't for one second regret my one moment of insanity that led me to this wonderful world of dramas!
^^ Same. I hear people discussing TV shows they watch and I'm always lost because I haven't watched American TV in...IDEK how long. I have really bad insomnia so dramas keep me company in the middle of the night.
I introduced my bestfriend into k-drama , I felt like I was pushing my friend into it rather introducing but I feel he's gonna Love it hehehhe  but yeah no one understands me thank god for MDL internet friends for life LOL
I got introduced to dramas by my best friend (whom I sadly no longer keep in touch with :c) but then I met my current best friend through the internet and we both fangirl over kdramas and k-pop everytime we hang out. ^3^ Also I have watched kdramas with my parents and they both think that they are great and deep and meaningful and always make you feel something and my mother now feels the desire to watch another one together again which makes me soo happy. ~ <3

Before K-dramas I never really watched any TV.. . I'm ok if people don't get it. Heck I'm not really sure I get why I like it kdramas so much.  I must admit tho, we listen to a lot of music in my home.. so anyone who visits is going to get a good dose of Kpop.. and some not so mainstream Korean music