yuileekyung wrote: Most of them are mentioned already by the people above me but still...
- Elderly people (e.g. someone's grandmother) drinking alcohol <- Sorry, this is not in my culture so I find it irritating #_#
*I don't find this annoying probably because it's very pretty common where I am from. I know some grandfathers who can drink a lot more than I can. lol
* I love the piggy back rides.
#19 I find kissing scenes annoying, but that "typhoon" comment made me crack up. I've always wondered if they do it to make the scene look exciting when it's actually not.
*I don't mind those shower scenes at all.
*The wrist grabbing it just depends on who does it and when.
#39 I always find myself talking to the computer screen like a lunatic "But your car is right THERE!" Then I just think, "it was on impulse" ...and let it go.
* The selflessness... I find myself thinking "No one is really like that, or is it just that I'm not very nice?"