Oh... i know too much annoying characters... but i will only say one for all:
Beo Jin from Tamra Island - ugh... she really got on my nerves! I kind of liked er in the beginning (a little). But my biggest mistake was, that i watche the longer (25 or something eps) version of the drama. I did understand, that she was so stupid, that she would not relize, who she loves (or who is REALLY in love with her and who was REALLY helping her the whole time). But come ON! She actually relized it like... in the last two eps?! WTF? As much as i hated Park Kyul, i hated that girl.
+ i also didnt like Pierres character there. OK, he was from England, that means: strange character. I would understand that. But he was also weak, stupid and coward!
Strange enough... i still like Tamra Island (maybe only becaouse 2 characters: Park Kyul and Beo Jins mom and all those women from the village XD)