So I've thought about giving some coworkers links to youtube trailers for some of my favorite kdrama series, and I've looked around on youtube for good trailers with english subtitles.
What I found out is the following:
1) Trailers are usually in low quality
2) Some lack english subtitles
3) Many unofficial, fan made
4) They are very fast paced with little context, just 1-2 seconds per scene and you are basically left without any idea what the drama is about. Sometimes I think the creator of the trailer (editor) just put in his favorite scenes in... but is useless for someone who hasn't watched.
Maybe a difference in perception? A kdrama trailer for korean audiences is different than a hollywood movie or series trailer for western audiences. I think western audiences prefer trailers that are more slow paced, with some build up that gives an idea about the storyline.
So I've basically found no proper trailers to give to my coworkers.