(Solved) <When the Weather Is Fine >


Can anyone help me in identifying which particular drama/movie this is...

The story is about a boy(ML) who is the son of a gaijin (will be explained in later/mid point of story) living in the countryside. He fell in love with a girl(FML) who came from seoul and transferred to their school (the reason why she transferred there is because her mother who is a writer murdered someone. the mother was caught and jailed) basically she escaped to forget about her past. The girl lived with her aunt in the countryside  who is also a writer. they run a lodge.  The boy fell in love with the girl when  she gave him something they made in some class a key chain of sorts it was a crescent moon shaped metal thing. Then the girl returned to seoul after someone revealed her secret in which her mother is a murder which made her go back to seoul.

Present Story
It start with the boy now a man living still in the country side working as a bookkeeper and runs a website(Group) about sleeping being important and the like... he writes and shares story there about himself... (The MC is a collector and writer of novels.(He's still not a professional though)). One day as he does his daily task of running his book shop he noticed that the girl(FML)  returned from seoul. (She would occasionally return i don't remember if it was autumn or winter) he was always waiting for her return around that time but she returned earlier than before because she resigned from her job due to an incident. the FML still don't know about the existence of the ML at this point still. The ML and FML became close due to the house of the FML Freezing due to so accident which led to her living in the shop of the ML. 

The Striking Point in the story is the story told by the Gaijin father to his son(ML) It is about a man who is very kind but was given a feather that allows you to see their true self when he look at it he saw that there was no true human in his village and he set out on a journey to find true humans (I don't remember much sorry.) I Think this particular drama title name was taken from this particular Korean Folktale/Legend..

About the Male Lead
A Gaijin
Has one sided love towards the FML
Loves Book with a Passion
Wants to be a Writer but conflicted
Adopted to current family of 3.
He prefers to be alone
Has a crescent moon Keychain in his car with the carved words "Good Night Irene"
Has a house deep in the woods at the back of his book keeping shop.
Knows the Forest/mountain like the back of his hand
Has a Club(physical club) with a variety of people in the countryside. They talk about stories and their recent read. (The FML joins this in later chapters.).
He disappeared for 3/10?? years because he was looking for his dead mother...  

About the Female Lead
Has a mother and Aunt who is a Writer
Starred by Actress: "Cha Ji Woo" if I'm not wrong
Was betrayed by her best friend
Not much I can say about her

Not much info sorry...  I need all the help I can get thanks in advance...