LisNoir wrote: I thought there'd be more fangirling about this
Has anyone seen the first episode raw?
Watched it yesterday :)
I could definitely feel the director's style, sometimes it felt like watching Spring Waltz (until YooNa's face appeared every other moment... I just dislike this girl... don't even know why...ugh...) Though she's not bad at acting...
I mentioned Spring Waltz, but let's get this straight, the feeling from operator's work, the colors and the atmosphere, this is it... not the actors or lines...
Actually, either I missed most of the lines, or there were really not many lines in the 1st episode, it was kind of eye candy, or heart candy... cause there were scenes (like running in the rain, or JGS giving her his umbrella and watching her on the bench) I actually had butterflies...
(going to watch the 2nd RAW)