

Every time I think, we've leveled out in our fangirling -- nooooope. 

Yo, but for real. Put NAT on the mirror, what do you get?

Smh, I had nothing to do with it, not my fault, I wasn’t even born hahah


Yo, but for real. Put NAT on the mirror, what do you get?

Smh, I had nothing to do with it, not my fault, I wasn’t even born hahah



So, I'm watching clips from the Jo Malone livestream and I notice there's a zipper on the hip of Tan Jian Ci's pants.  And I think ... that's an interesting fashion detail.

Then I notice there's a zipper seam that goes down his leg.

Then I notice in another clip that there's a zipper on the bottom of the pant leg.

This man came to a livestream with rip away pants that have a zipper from his hip to the bottom hem. WTF?  He's  definitely trying to kill us.  LOL!







I don't know.  Do they have different hosts?

same hosts. but the vibe and type of games is different and this episode definitelly had a fewer guests than usual.. perhaps it was just a special for TJC..?


same hosts. but the vibe and type of games is different and this episode definitelly had a fewer guests than usual.. perhaps it was just a special for TJC..?

That’s odd. Will he appear in more episodes?


That’s odd. Will he appear in more episodes?

Not sure but i hope so 


But this episode is differetn from the usual Hello saturday.. i read that  H6! Is the former Hello Camp... but does it mean that the 3 shows are the same but with different developments/ themes? Would you know the difference?

Hi6 and Hello Saturday I think are only slightly different name for the same variety show and this show is a reboot of Happy Camp, one of the longest running variety show in China. Happy Camp had two main host He Jiong and Xie Na, both are very popular  and since a couple of years it also had two other younger main host (male and female, both are comedian I think, but I forget their names). The Happy Camp was discontinued due to a couple of scandals, one is that He Jiong and other host(s) are receiving expensive gifts from fans (not illegal but I think it‘s frowned upon, since they earn so much already compared to the normal salary of working people in China) and the younger male host also got into scandal as the company he endorsed was revealed to be a scam company. The scandal bring forth the question of  the accountability of celebs in choosing to be spokesperson of products/companies. How far they should be held accountable etc, if the products/companies they endorse harm people/customer. 

That‘s the bit of gossip I got from here and there. It was around the time when DL tax evasion scandal blew up, so I was following c-net news looking for new tid bits about DL😢. I saw a couple of Happy Camp Eps as well where DL was guest there, the last one was Ep with his Yin Yang DoE co-stars. It was  really funny.

I don‘t know why the last Hi6 with TJC had so few people. Maybe the others are busy filming other stuff🤷‍♀️.  Even He Jiong wasn‘t  there.


same hosts. but the vibe and type of games is different and this episode definitelly had a fewer guests than usual.. perhaps it was just a special for TJC..?

Yes, that's what I was thinking from the clips I saw.  Perhaps it was just a special for Tan Jian Ci's return.

I don‘t know why the last Hi6 with TJC had so few people. Maybe the others are busy filming other stuff?‍♀️. Even He Jiong wasn‘t there.

I thought this episode was a special for Tan Jian Ci's return?  But it's clips and a bunch of them not on the set, so maybe there's a regular show also, that we haven't seen yet.

Thank you for explaining the shows.  I had no idea, though I should have known scandals had something to do with it.

Video clip at dinner, where Tan Jian Ci talks about his parents.  His mom.... lol



Video clip at dinner, where Tan Jian Ci talks about his parents.  His mom.... lol


LOL  "which one is you?" hahahahahah


LOL  "which one is you?" hahahahahah

"I'm the horse, Ma."   What a jokester.


Video clip at dinner, where Tan Jian Ci talks about his parents.  His mom.... lol


Which one is you?? I’m the horse 😂😂😂😂


"I'm the horse, Ma."   What a jokester.

I'm the Ma, Ma LOLOL cutie